本刊以风景园林师的职业实践为核心,专题策划约稿制为基础,独立向海内外约稿,积极挖掘当下行业的学术前沿和实践新成果;有效地开展了一些行业交流活动,多角度、多层次、多侧面地引导和推动全国风景园林行业的交流和沟通,全力推进风景园林专业教育与行业发展。《风景园林》 “喉舌自宛转,千秋万代传”(中国工程院院士孟兆祯教授),并实现“《风景园林》杂志为当今的风景园林实践制定了新的纪录标准”(美国哈佛大学原风景园林系尼尔·柯克伍德教授语)的愿景。
国内统一连续出版物号: CN 11-5366/S
国际标准连续出版物号: ISSN 1673-1530
邮发代号: 80-402
邮寄地址:北京海淀区清华东路35号 北京林业大学62号信箱
电话/传真: 86 -10- 62337675
电子邮箱: la@lalavision.com
Landscape Architecture Journal is an international academic journal concerned with landscape architecture planning and design, urban design and public art.
Landscape Architecture Journal was founded in 1993, formerly known as Landscape Architecture Transactions, renamed with Landscape Architecture in 2001, and formally became a public offering issue home and abroad in 2005.
Headed by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China (MOE), hosted by Beijing Forestry University and authenticated by the State Administration of Radio Film and Television (SARFT), led by professor ZHENG Xi, this journal is a core journal of Science and Technology in China (Journal of Statistical Sources of Chinese Scientific Papers), a core journal of the Evaluation Report on Chinese Academic Journals (RCCSE) 2020, and an extension of the Chinese Journals of Humanities and Social Science (AMI) Comprehensive Evaluation Report 2018. The articles in this journal are included in Chinese Journal Full-text Database (CJFD), Chinese Core Journals (Selection) Database, Chinese Humanities and Social Science Citation Database (CHSSCD), and Chinese Sci-tech Journals Database (CSTJ).
Landscape Architecture is a monthly journal committed to communicate and promote the frontier theories, focus on the discipline development and discuss on the hotspots among the industry. It has featured high impact papers home and abroad covering modern landscape architecture design and planning, theoretical issues on landscape architecture planning and design, academic papers on environmental science and technology in landscape architecture, as well as the overall design in landscape architecture and empirical urban design projects, landscape design and public art works, etc., being professional and practical, academic and humanistic.
The journal takes the professional practice of landscape architects as the core, and is based on the system of soliciting contributions for special topics, solicits contributions at home and abroad independently, explores the academic front and new achievements of practice actively. We have organized numerous events to guide, promote and strengthen the communication in this field nationwide from all its aspects and multiple perspectives. Landscape Architecture, praised as a journal with gentle and delicate expressions that can spread through the ages… by Professor. Meng Zhao-zhen from the Chinese Academy of Engineering, has also implemented the vision of ‘formulating a new record standard for current Landscape Architecture practice’ (Professor Niall Kirkwood, ex-Dean of the Department of Landscape Architecture of Harvard University).
Readers cover the researchers, teachers and students of landscape architecture and related disciplines, as well professional managers and constructers.
Supervised by Ministry of Education of P.R.C
Sponsored by Beijing Forestry University
Publishing House: Beijing Landscape architecture Journal Periodical Office Co., Ltd.
Honorary President: YIN Weilun
President: LIU Zhicheng
Editor-in-Chief : ZHENG Xi
Domestic Unified Serial Number: CN 11-5366/S
International Standard Serial Number: lSSN 1673-1530
Advertising Release Registration: JHGSGD Zi No.20200006
Design and Produced by Beijing Co-creative Smart Technology Co., Ltd.
Printed by Beijing Artron Color Printing Co., Ltd
Domestic Distributor: Beijing Newspaper and Periodical Publishing Bureau
Overseas Distributor: China International Book Trading Corporation
Subscription: Post Offices Across China
Postal Issuance Code: 80-402
Date of Publishing: Monthly 10
Office Address: Room 1402, Building A, Academic Research Center, Beijing Forestry University, No.35 Tsinghua East Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R.China
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 62 Beijing Forestry University, No.35 Tsinghua East Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R.China (100083)
Tel/Fax: 86-10-62337675
Email: la@lalavision.com