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汪洁琼, 邱明, 成水平, 庞磊
本文以“水敏性乡村”的提出为出发点,从水生态系统服务综合效能的角度切入,提出乡村空间形态的增效机制。基于前期研究成果与文献爬梳,厘清与四大类型、八大维度的水生态系统服务息息相关的 18 个关键性空间形态增效因子,并提出以污水截流为前提、以水体自净为核心,带动其他六大维度水生态系统服务效能的全面提升。选取嵊泗田岙村进行实证研究,梳理乡村空间形态增效的技术途径,阐明“水环境—水生态—水景观”三阶梯、逐步提升的空间形态增效机制,从而为乡村规划设计、建设管理提供了参数、技术路线与支撑。
关键词:  风景园林  生态系统服务  水生态  水体自净  乡村  空间形态  综合效能
基金项目:上海市浦江人才计划 (15PJC092)、国家自然青年科学基金项目 (51508391)、同济大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目 (0400219332) 共同资助。
Strategies for Physical Forms Based on Water-related Ecosystem Services Overall Capacity (WESSOC)—A Case Study of Tian’ao Water Sensitive Rural Area in Shengsi
WANG Jie-qiong, QIU Ming, CHENG Shui-ping, PANG Lei
Tongji University
Services Overall Capacities (WESSOC). Through the literature review and previous research outcomes, it clarifies that the WESSOC include four types and eight dimensions water-related ecosystem services, and also proposes 18 key indicators related to physical forms. The interception of greywater is the premise of WESSOC while water self-purification is its core. Based on them, other six water-related ecosystem services can also be provided. Through the case study of Tian’ao Villlage in Shengsi, this paper suggests that an effective mechanism of well-designed physical forms of rural areas is to achieve the increments of "water environment – water ecosystem – water landscape" through a series of improvements of water-related physical forms. This paper contributes technical support and parameters provision to the planning, design, construction and management of rural areas.
Key words:  landscape architecture  ecosystem services  water ecology  water self-purification  physical form  efficiency evaluation
WANG Jie-qiong,QIU Ming,CHENG Shui-ping,PANG Lei.Strategies for Physical Forms Based on Water-related Ecosystem Services Overall Capacity (WESSOC)—A Case Study of Tian’ao Water Sensitive Rural Area in Shengsi[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(1):82-90.