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郭巍1, 候晓蕾2
关键词:  风景园林  传统山水城市  滨海小平原  福州  形态分析
分类号:TU 986
基金项目:社科艺术学“中国新乡土景观设计研究—基于节约型社会的视角”(编号13CB112);教育部人文社会科学研究规划项目“新型城镇化进程中的农耕景观保护与更新研究”(编号 14YJA760006)
Two Cities, Three Mountains and River Net—Analysis of Fuzhou's Landscape Pattern and Traditional Urban Form
GUO Wei1, HOU Xiao-lei2
1.Beijing Forestry University;2.chool of Architecture, Central Academy of Fine Arts
uzhou is the perfect combination of traditional urban design and landscape system in China. Firstly, the article compares the process of Fuzhou Plain into the process of urban development, and combs the evolution of Fuzhou's traditional urban landscape from the perspective of landscape architecture. Then, from the perspective of traditional geography, this paper analyzes the relationship between the urban structure of Fuzhou and the surrounding mountain system, and then analyzes the relationship between the composition and operation of the Fuzhou water system and the relationship with the port terminal. The relationship between the traditional city and its main water systems in Fuzhou are analyzed in three aspects: Fuzhou city location, axis treatment and border control. This analysis has a certain significance to explore the unique landscape and aesthetics of the traditional towns in the coastal plains of our country.
Key words:  Landscape architecture  traditional landscape city  coastal plains  Fuzhou  formal analysis
GUO Wei,HOU Xiao-lei.Two Cities, Three Mountains and River Net—Analysis of Fuzhou's Landscape Pattern and Traditional Urban Form[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(5):94-100.