摘要: |
“图像时代”由来已久、大势所趋,近一两年来由于技术与信息进步尤为显著,城市景观图像学正成为显学。因为图像在形式上与人对环境的感知方式最为贴近,且以认知地图为代表的城市意象研究与地图图像信息密切相关,城市意象的研究与图像学具有天然的内在统一性。本文借鉴图像学三层次理论,划分前图像志描述型、图像志分析型、图像学解释型3类城市意象研究范式,并分别结合文献及定兴、拉萨、北京旧城东四片区的实例进行研究评述。最后还指出,城市意象地图作为各类城市意象研究在收集整理信息后的集中式图像表达,不但应结合图像学理论继续探索,更应认识到其作为新型图像的史料价值,探索其作为城市变迁另一种记录的可能。 |
关键词: 城市意象 图像学 城市景观 地图术 研究评述 |
DOI:10.14085/j.fjyl.2017.12.0028.08 |
分类号:TU986 |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金“基于森林城市构建的北京市生态绿地格局演变机制及预测预警研究”(编号 31670704);国家自然科学基金青年项目课题“城市历史景观框架下古城意象的多尺度研究—以北京旧城为例”(编号51608035);中国博士后科学基金第60批面上项目“北京旧城内15 块历史地段的‘城市历史景观意象’研究”(编号2016M600050);北京林业大学教育教学研究一般项目“城市史学课程实景教学模式探索”(编号BJFU2017JY012) |
Review of City Image Study Based on the Uprising Urban Landscape Iconology |
LIU Yi-Fei, LI Xiong
Beijing Forestry University
Abstract: |
“Picture Era” has arrived for long and for sure, but as the progressing technology and information has been even more significant in the past one or two years, the urban landscape iconology study is obviously uprising. Because the form of image is closely related to people’s perception of the environment, and also because city image study is always closely related to mapping information, represented by cognitive mapping, the research of city image and iconology have an inherent inner unity. Borrowed from the theory of iconology, this paper divides city image study into three paradigms: the preicongraphic paradigm, the icongraphic paradigm, the iconological paradigm, and each is reviewed with literature and case studies of Dingxing, Lhasa and Dongsi. Finally, it points out that beyond explorations combined with iconology, we should also be aware of the historical value of the mappings of city image as graphic expressions of all types of city image study, that they are a new type of image, and could be a new type of records for the vicissitudes of urban landscape. |
Key words: city image iconology urban landscape mapping review |