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陈明, 戴菲, 殷利华
关键词:  风景园林  垂直绿化  内容分析法  研究进展
Research Progress of Vertical Greening in China by Content Analysis
CHEN Ming, DAI Fei, YIN Li-hua
Huazhong University
Taking wall vertical greening for research object, with the help of CNKI, literature were searched by vertical greening and related keywords. The paper analyses the overall characteristics of Chinese vertical greening by content analysis from 3 aspects. Focused on the analysis of literature from 2006 to 2015, the paper summarizes the research progress and its trends. The research focuses on the vertical greening plant application, construction technology, base material, irrigation technology and other engineering problems. Plant application ran through the whole research process. It focused on plant selection but lack of plant landscape research. The research of new technology started relatively late but the results were increasing, and the research level of base material and irrigation technology was relatively low. In addition, the benefit of vertical greening has gradually become a hot spot, and its practical application is also being carried out. In order to improve the vertical greening system, the future research should be carried out in three aspects: interdisciplinary development, systematic theoretical research and design guidelines, establishment of landscape performance evaluation system.
Key words:  landscape architecture  vertical greening  content analysis  research progress
CHEN Ming,DAI Fei,YIN Li-hua.Research Progress of Vertical Greening in China by Content Analysis[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(5):104-109.