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马妍1, 马琦伟2, 李苗裔1, 于沛洋3
关键词:  绿色基础设施  建成环境  社区生活圈  居民就医行为
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年项目“电商影响下大都市商业的业态响应与功能空间重组”(编号 41501181);福建省自然科学基金项目“城市建成环境对慢性病影响的纵向研究:基于福州市民的健康追踪调查”(编号 2018J01747)
Relationship Between Spatial Distribution of Urban Green Infrastructure and Residents’ Behavior of Seeking Medical Treatment on the Scale of Community Life Circle—Case Study of Downtown Fuzhou City
MA Yan1, MA Qiwei2, LI Miaoyi1, YU Peiyang3
1.Fuzhou University;2.Tsinghua University;3.Innovation Center of China Urban Planning and Design Institute
The paper focuses on recognizing residents’daily spatial behavior, to find out the possible relationship between their medical treatment behaviors and the spatial distributions of parks, NDVI of plants, sports and culture infrastructure, and hospitals on the scale of community life circle. The analysis results show the frequency of treatment behaviors has an apparent negative correlation with park distribution, but no significant correlation with cultural and sports infrastructures. It also finds that the numerical increase of medical services and hospital accessibility will lead to the increase of residents’ medical treatment.
Key words:  green infrastructure  built-up environment  community life circle  frequency of residents treatment behaviors
MA Yan,MA Qiwei,LI Miaoyi,YU Peiyang.Relationship Between Spatial Distribution of Urban Green Infrastructure and Residents’ Behavior of Seeking Medical Treatment on the Scale of Community Life Circle—Case Study of Downtown Fuzhou City[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(8):36-40.