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王志强, 胡一可, 王垒
关键词:  风景园林  空间构成  行为分析  社区街道  微更新
Micro Renewal of Community Street Space from the Perspective of Spatial-behavioral Relevance—A Case Study of the Northwest Corner Hui Nationality Community, Tianjin City
WANG Zhiqiang, HU Yike, WANG Lei
Tianjin University
From the perspective of spatial-behavioral relevance, this paper takes the Northwest Corner Hui Nationality Community Street of Tianjin as the research object, and conducts a filed survey through behavioral annotation, questionnaire, and interview. With the data analysis, the paper identifies the characteristics of spatial composition of the community street. It examines the relations of various behaviors and spatial elements, crowd behaviors and spatial types based on the data of behavioral investigation in typical space chosen for the examination, and proposes the principles of micro-renewal of community streets. Based on this, it promotes the optimization strategy from the aspects of "reservation" and " reformation", and discusses a participatory updating model, which provides reference and basis for urban renewal.
Key words:  landscape architecture  spatial composition  behavior analysis  community street  micro renewal
WANG Zhiqiang,HU Yike,WANG Lei.Micro Renewal of Community Street Space from the Perspective of Spatial-behavioral Relevance—A Case Study of the Northwest Corner Hui Nationality Community, Tianjin City[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(10):98-103.