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著:(玻利维亚)简妮·梅迪娜册里·迪亚兹1, 著:(玻利维亚)阿曼多·阿古利亚·姆古亚2, 译:吴焕3, 校:(阿根廷/西班牙)梅丽莎·佩索阿4
关键词:  建筑学  风景园林  自然  文化
Panoramic Overview of Landscape Architecture Practice in Latin America
Author: (BO) Jenny Medinaceli Diaz1, Author:(BO) Armando Aguilar Murguía2, Translator: WU Huan3, Proofreader: (AGR / ESP) Melisa Pesoa4
1.University of Attiprano;2.Valle Private University and University of Attiprano;3.Polytechnic University of Catalonia (ETSAB, UPC).;4.Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina
This paper gives an overall description of the evolution of landscape architecture in Latin America. It summarizes the intervention of architecture and landscape architecture designs on natural landscape in different historical periods, and shows the process of nature evolving into artificial environment in Latin America. First, it gives a brief account of the relationship between the universe view of ancient civilization, retained from the Pre-Columbus period, and nature. Then, it goes on to discuss the impacts of the European imperial colonization on major cities and landscape architecture in Latin America. Finally, it depicts the high attention given by modern landscape architects of the early 20th century to the sites, as well as their probe into the cultural identification characteristics. It also introduces a number of representative Latin American landscape architects to the readers.
Key words:  architecture  landscape architecture  nature  culture
Author: (BO) Jenny Medinaceli Diaz,Author:(BO) Armando Aguilar Murguía,Translator: WU Huan,Proofreader: (AGR / ESP) Melisa Pesoa.Panoramic Overview of Landscape Architecture Practice in Latin America[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(2):27-31.