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康渊, 王军 *
乡村建设的本质是为生活在其中的人类建设健康有序的生存生态系统,健康的村落生态系统离不开智慧营造模式。单元是一种空间环境系统,由于系统内部要素的共同作用以及系统与外部环境的交流,村落单元呈现的景观模式具有差异性,包含着不同的生态智慧。基于此,从生态学的角度提出村落生态单元的概念,村落生态单元由居住景观、生产景观及文化景观 3 个子单元组成。村落生态单元景观模式的营造智慧关键是单元结构与功能的关系。以青藏高原秀日村为例,归纳了秀日村村落生态单元良性的结构与功能关系,包含着“农牧共生”与“方位种植”的生产景观营造智慧;“田居一体”与“循环再生”的居住景观营造智慧;“信仰至上”与“万物平等”的文化景观营造智慧。
关键词:  风景园林  村落生态单元  景观模式  营造智慧
The Construction Wisdom of Village Ecological Unit and Its Landscape Model: A Case Study of Xiuri Village in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
KANG Yuan, WANG Jun*
Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology
The essence of rural construction is to build a healthy and orderly living ecosystem for the people living in it. The healthy village ecosystem is inseparable from the wisdom building model. The unit is a kind of space environment system. Due to the interaction of the internal elements of the system and the communication between the system and the external environment, the landscape patterns presented by the village units are different and contain different ecological wisdom. Based on this, the concept of village ecological unit is proposed from the perspective of ecology. The village ecological unit consists of three sub-units: residential landscape, production landscape and cultural landscape. The key to the wisdom of the village ecological unit landscape model is the relationship between unit structure and function. Taking Xiuri Village in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau as an example, the paper concludes the benign structure and function relationship of the Xiuri Village village ecological unit, including the production landscape construction wisdom of “farming and animal husbandry symbiosis” and “location planting”; the residential landscape construction wisdom of “fields and residence integration” and “cyclic regeneration”; and the cultural landscape construction wisdom of “belief first” and “equality of all”.
Key words:  landscape architecture  village ecological unit  landscape mode  construction wisdom
引用本文:康渊,王军 *.村落生态单元及其景观模式的营造智慧——以青藏高原秀日村为例[J].风景园林,2019,26(8):121-125.
KANG Yuan,WANG Jun*.The Construction Wisdom of Village Ecological Unit and Its Landscape Model: A Case Study of Xiuri Village in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(8):121-125.