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张秦英, 赵振宇, 云舒楠
关键词:  风景园林  园林植物应用  研究生课程  教学改革
基金项目:天津大学“研究生创新人才培养项目”(编号 YCX18011)
Exploration on Teaching Contents and Methods of Courses Related to Postgraduate Application of Landscape Plants: A Case Study of Tianjin University
ZHANG Qinying, ZHAO Zhenyu, YUN Shunan
Tianjin University
The “Application of Landscape Plants” is a core course in the curriculum guidance of the National Master of Landscape Architecture Education Steering Committee. This paper explores the teaching contents, teaching methods and assessment methods of relevant courses of Chinese and foreign universities. On this basis, it combines the teaching practice of the postgraduate courses of Tianjin University and students' learning feedback and expectations to discuss how to construct a teaching system that meets the characteristics of postgraduate learning from the contents and methods of teaching. It constructs the “basic-core-expansion” modules of systematic curriculum contents, which are the Landscape Plant Basic, Plant Landscape Planning and Design, and Landscape Plants Application Frontier. Considering the characteristics of each module, it puts forward the corresponding teaching and assessment methods to formulate the teaching characteristics of graduate courses and enhance the teaching effects.
Key words:  landscape architecture  application of landscape plants  graduate courses  teaching reform
ZHANG Qinying,ZHAO Zhenyu,YUN Shunan.Exploration on Teaching Contents and Methods of Courses Related to Postgraduate Application of Landscape Plants: A Case Study of Tianjin University[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(S2):8-11.