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基于文化与政治生态学的社会生态系统演进机制研究 ——以杭州与西湖为例
王鑫1, (美)拉里·詹姆斯·格伦弗洛2, 吴竑2, 吴承照1
关键词:  风景园林  社会生态系统  文化生态学  政治生态学  生态系统服务  景观变迁  杭州—西湖
Evolution Mechanism of Social-Ecological System Based on Cultural and Political Ecology: A Case Study of Hangzhou and West Lake
WANG Xin1, (USA) Larry J. Gorenflo2, WU Hong2, WU Chengzhao1
1.Tongji University;2.Pennsylvania State University
Scientific understanding of the evolution mechanism underlying social-ecological systems (SESs) provides an important foundation for effectively managing those systems. Based on theories of cultural and political ecology, this paper develops an integrated research framework for the SES of Hangzhou and West Lake, identifying five evolution stages as well as three potential system states. Natural, political, economic and social forces have been the dominant factors affecting the Hangzhou-West Lake SES. Human behavior has affected the frequency, magnitude and form of disturbances and changed the structure and function of the West Lake ecosystem, which in turn has influenced the potential for West Lake to provide ecosystem services to Hangzhou. Based on various natural, social, economic and cultural needs, West Lake has provided ecosystem services of various types and quality to Hangzhou at different historic times and in distinct system states. In general, cultural services have gradually replaced provisioning and regulating services and become the most important ecosystem service type. The long-term symbiotic relationship between the city and the lake has established an adaptive management mechanism for the Hangzhou-West Lake social-ecological system, the ecological wisdom behind which provides important implications for contemporary landscape planning.
Key words:  landscape architecture  social-ecological system  cultural ecology  political ecology  ecosystem services  landscape change  Hangzhou-West Lake
引用本文:王鑫,(美)拉里·詹姆斯·格伦弗洛,吴竑,吴承照.基于文化与政治生态学的社会生态系统演进机制研究 ——以杭州与西湖为例[J].风景园林,2020,27(1):77-82.
WANG Xin,(USA) Larry J. Gorenflo,WU Hong,WU Chengzhao.Evolution Mechanism of Social-Ecological System Based on Cultural and Political Ecology: A Case Study of Hangzhou and West Lake[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(1):77-82.