摘要: |
“景观”一词于16世纪末被引入英语语言中,19世纪末由德国地理学家引入学术界,此后经历了景观学术研究的繁盛发展。不同学科背景的学者纷纷对景观展开学科内或跨学科的探讨,研究视角的多样化本应碰撞出更多火花,但是不同学科在对景观的具体化研究过程中,对作为学术术语的景观内涵的方法论思想的普遍性本质关注不足。同时,对作为研究对象的景观又有着自主的取舍和界定,导致不同学科之间缺乏一个可供充分对话交流的平台。针对此问题,通过对作为学术术语的景观以及作为研究对象的景观的具体化界定,尝试在方法论与对象统一的基础上,提出基于时空演变过程的视角是贯彻景观研究更为普遍的本质和方法论的观点。基于此,不同学科将在对景观演变过程的共同观照中,不断推进对作为对象的景观研究的深化。 |
关键词: 景观 研究对象 学术术语 景观发生学方法 时空演变过程 |
DOI:10.14085/j.fjyl.2021.03.0025.04 |
分类号:K901.6 |
基金项目:国家重点研发计划课题(编号 2016YFC0503309) |
Reflections on Landscape: From Object to Methodology |
SONG Feng1, SHI Yanhui2, WANG Bo1
1.Peking University;2.the University of Birmingham
Abstract: |
The word “landscape” was introduced in the English language at the end of the 16th century. The nearest equivalent German word was adopted by academics in central Europe at the end of the 19th century, and the word has been used a good deal in scholarly writing. Unfortunately, since the attention to the universal nature of the methodology of landscape as an academic term is insufficient when different disciplines concretize their individual landscape research, and also because they have their own choices and definitions when dealing with landscape as a study object, and this has sometimes created difficulties in communication between different disciplines. This paper contributes to resolution of this problem by examining the spatio-temporal evolutionary process of landscape in a number of disciplines. This should help to promote in-depth landscape research grounded in concerns shared by different disciplines. |
Key words: landscape study object academic term landscape genesis spatio-temporal evolution process |