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言语, 徐磊青
关键词:  空间设计网络分析  TOD 公共步行体系  公共空间  轨交综合体  公共空间疏解指数  网络立体协同度
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号 51778422,51378355)
Enclave of Public Space and Its Mitigation: An Empirical Environment-Behavior Research via 3D Network Analysis on TOD Pedestrian System Blocks
YAN Yu, XU Leiqing
Tongji University
Based on the analysis of 11 rail transit stations in Shanghai, this research establishes a pedestrian transformation model of different historical stages, showing diachronic changes in the increment of walking convenience in the process. After the synthetic process of the supply of public space areas and the increment as physical environment features to innovate a new index, it examines the correlations among the pedestrian system renovation accessibility increments brought by the pedestrian transformation of rail transit station areas, the public space supply and the activity evenness between the interior and exterior of the urban base areas as key indicators. It thus helps to build up a line regression model between MIPS and indicators. After verifying the behavioral indicators of 33 commercial plots and blocks, it testifies that the MIPS, synthesizing the accessibility changes and public space supply, proves to have a relatively more positive impact than the variables before the combination of the evenness of space activities in the rail transit station areas. The 3D synergy index of public space and other indicators tested in the process can be applied as references in designs, providing inspirations for the development of the existing rail transit station areas.
Key words:  spatial design network analysis (sDNA)  transit-oriented development public space pedestrian system  public space  railway transit station complex  mitigation index of public space (MIPS)  3D synergy index
YAN Yu,XU Leiqing.Enclave of Public Space and Its Mitigation: An Empirical Environment-Behavior Research via 3D Network Analysis on TOD Pedestrian System Blocks[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(5):42-50.