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冯黎1, 陈明坤2, 白宇1, 周里云1
关键词:  风景园林  健康城市  城市森林  天府新区  形态学空间格局分析  空间规划
Urban Forest Spatial Planning in the Context of Healthy City: A Case Study of Chengdu Direct Management Area under Tianfu New Area
FENG Li1, CHEN Mingkun2, BAI Yu1, ZHOU Liyun1
1.Chengdu Park City Construction & Development Research Institute;2.Tsinghua University
Scientific and reasonable urban forest spatial planning is the core of realizing healthy development of a city. Taking Chengdu Direct Management Area under Tianfu New Area, the first proposed site for park city construction, as an example, this research focuses on existing questions, such as high-degree urban forest fragmentation and land use overlapping. Based on the MSPA method, it extracts the spatial elements of the urban forest, and proposes to construct a networked forest spatial layout that is an organic combination of forest sources, forest nodes and forest corridors. It further explores the space landing methods based on the third national land survey data, and creatively proposes to protect forest sources, supplement forest nodes within the urban development boundary, and increase forest nodes outside the urban development boundary, as well as construction implementation strategies such as structured forest corridors. The research provides references for urban forest spatial planning and implementation from the perspective of healthy cities at home and abroad.
Key words:  landscape architecture  healthy city  urban forest  Tianfu New Area  morphological spatial pattern analysis (MSPA)  spatial planning
FENG Li,CHEN Mingkun,BAI Yu,ZHOU Liyun.Urban Forest Spatial Planning in the Context of Healthy City: A Case Study of Chengdu Direct Management Area under Tianfu New Area[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(3):117-123.