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傅舒兰, 潘丁琳
关键词:  风景园林  遗产保护  风景区  法制  风景林  国家公园
The Formation and Characteristics of Modern Scenic Zone System in China
FU Shulan, PAN Dinglin
Zhejiang University
To better understand the modernization of the tradition of Chinese landscape cognition, this research explores the formation process of the modern system related to scenic zones through reviewing historical materials. As shown in the results, the modern system of scenic zones was gradually formed through the introduction of forest protection, scenic spot and historic site conservation, and urban planning. It mainly comprises two parts: the scenic forestry system that is led by the agriculture and forestry department, and the scenic zone system that is led by the construction department for the protection of cultural and historic sites and the improvement of public facilities. The two parts worked together in the spatial formation and development of the scenic zones and formed the corresponding system framework in the early 1930s. By exploring the formation process of the modern system related to scenic zones, it unveils the reasons behind the formation of the system, stressing to comply with the historical laws as well as pay attention to the analysis of the characteristics of the target audience when designing or adjusting a system.
Key words:  landscape architecture  heritage conservation  scenic zone  legal system  scenic forestry  national park
FU Shulan,PAN Dinglin.The Formation and Characteristics of Modern Scenic Zone System in China[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(4):32-39.