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王敏, 宋昊洋
关键词:  风景园林  城市绿地  碳中和  绿色碳汇  碳排放  空间特征  规划管控
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 52178053)
Spatial Characteristics and Implementation Framework for Fine Control of Urban Green Space Affecting Carbon Neutrality
WANG Min, SONG Haoyang
Tongji University
Urban green space has the dual ecological benefits of increasing carbon sink and reducing carbon emission, and is widely regarded as an important natural way to promote cities to achieve carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals. In the context of high-density urban construction and stock development, promoting the fine control of urban green space is an important focus point to expand the paths for carbon-neutral practice and improve the overall carbon-neutral performance of cities. Based on relevant literature, this research sorts and puts forward three paths of carbon sequestration and sink increase, temperature and emission reduction, and green slow traffic, discusses the mechanism for correlative influence of spatial characteristics of urban green space and carbon neutrality, and clarifies the key spatial characteristics and empirical variable indicators of urban green space affecting carbon neutrality from the following five dimensions: overall scale characteristics, distribution pattern characteristics, geometric morphological characteristics, plant configuration characteristics, and site use characteristics. In addition, the research also, following the idea of “systematic and hierarchical coordination, differentiated zoning and precise multi-dimensional efficiency improvement”, proposes the indicators and implementation framework for fine control conducive to the efficient allocation of green spatial resources targeting carbon neutrality, with a view to providing references and suggestions for subsequent researches on the improvement of carbon-neutral efficiency of green space, and for the fine control of urban green space.
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban green space  carbon neutrality  green carbon sink  carbon emission  spatial characteristics  planning and control
WANG Min,SONG Haoyang.Spatial Characteristics and Implementation Framework for Fine Control of Urban Green Space Affecting Carbon Neutrality[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(5):17-23.