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刘滨谊, 杨轶伦
关键词:  风景旷奥度  景观动态环视  景观视觉评价  主客结合  城市街景
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号 51678417)
Evaluation of Kuang-ao Degree in Dynamic Circular Viewing of Urban Streetscape
LIU Binyi, YANG Yilun
Tongji University
Kuang-ao degree in dynamic circular viewing of streetscape can provide a necessary evaluation basis for spatial planning and design of urban streets. To improve the spatial feeling of urban streets, this research studies the characteristics of the visual environment of urban streetscape and, starting from the feeling of and response to the dynamic circular viewing of streetscape, extracts and establishes the evaluation criteria and indicators for Kuang-ao degree of urban streetscape based on the combination of subjective feeling and objective composition of streetscape. Taking Shanghai Hongqiao Business District as an example, this research simulates the sensing of dynamic circular viewing through dynamic viewing of panoramic photos and, with the help of computer vision algorithm, spatial simulation technology and semantic analysis method, collects and statistically analyzes indicator data to establish the quantitative sensing relationship between the subjective feeling and objective composition of streetscape, based on which carry out quantitative evaluation on the visual environment in the research area, and the results show that the distribution of Kuang-ao degree in the study area shows noticeable spatial differences. Finally, taking objective evaluation indicators as judgment basis, the research puts forward guidance for optimization of streetscape based on landscape visual evaluation, which can provide reference for spatial planning and design of urban streets.
Key words:  Kuang-ao degree  dynamic circular viewing of landscape  landscape visual evaluation  combination of subjective feeling and objective composition  urban streetscape
LIU Binyi,YANG Yilun.Evaluation of Kuang-ao Degree in Dynamic Circular Viewing of Urban Streetscape[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(8):64-70.