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罗言云1, 谭小昱1, 何柳燕1, 李春容2
关键词:  风景园林  大熊猫国家公园  生态网络  生境适宜性  最小累积阻力模型  重力模型
Construction and Optimization of Ecological Network in the Qionglai Mountain–Daxiangling Area of Giant Panda National Park
LUO Yanyun1, TAN Xiaoyu1, HE Liuyan1, LI Chunrong2
1.Sichuan University;2.Qionglai Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources
National parks are essential in protecting the ecological environment and promoting the harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. The Giant Panda National Park is one of the first national parks in China, the construction of which has been troubled by the problem of habitat fragmentation. Taking the Qionglai Mountain-Daxiangling Area, where giant pandas are widely distributed in the Giant Panda National Park, as the research area, and based on the current status of habitat fragmentation therein, this research identifies relevant ecological sources by comprehensively considering the three factors of patch size, habitat suitability and landscape connectivity. In addition, the research builds an ecological network by virtue of the minimum cumulative resistance (MCR) model and the gravity model, and finally proposes suggestions for the optimizations of ecological network from the perspective of spatial structure. Research results show that the overall landscape connectivity in the research area is at a low level; the ecological network built is highly connected overall, but has specific gaps in local areas; the optimization of the ecological network can form an ecological network planning framework with one axis, two belts, four cores and multiple nodes. From the perspective of ecological network, the research explores new ideas to promote the continuity and integrity of habitats in the Giant Panda National Park, which can provide an essential basis for the protection of giant panda habitats, and the optimizations and development of ecological space in the research area, and provide a reference for ecological network construction and zoning management in other areas of the Giant Panda National Park and even the park as a whole.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Giant Panda National Park  ecological network  habitat suitability  minimum cumulative resistance (MCR) model  gravity model
LUO Yanyun,TAN Xiaoyu,HE Liuyan,LI Chunrong.Construction and Optimization of Ecological Network in the Qionglai Mountain–Daxiangling Area of Giant Panda National Park[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(8):93-101.