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张雪葳1, 许敏1, 任维2, 刘江1
绿色空间的合理配置与供给公平对城市品质的提升具有重要意义,并已成为新型城镇化建设的重要议题。以福建省连江县为例,选取126栋住宅样本,在1 200 m半径范围内,每隔200 m建立缓冲区,分析县级城市不同类型住区绿色空间分布特征。研究结果显示:1)住区绿色空间分布差异在200 m半径范围内最为显著;2)区位、建成年份、住宅价格对住区绿色空间分布具有直接影响,在200~1 200 m半径范围内,住区绿色空间占有率与住宅价格具有显著相关关系;3)住宅价格1万元/m2以上、建成年份在1998年之后的住区,具有更高的绿色空间服务水平。研究揭示了县级城市在不同尺度、区位及社会经济群体之间存在绿色空间分布不均衡现象,并提出相应的规划建议,以期提升县级城市绿色空间分布的公平性。
关键词:  风景园林  绿色空间分布  公平性  连续尺度  县级城市  福建省连江县
基金项目:教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(编号 20YJC760079);福建省社会科学规划青年项目(编号 FJ2021BF045);福建省自然科学基金面上项目(编号 2020J01510);福建省中青年教师教育科研项目(编号 JAT190034);福州大学引进人才科研启动项目(编号 511005-GXRC-21024)
Distribution Characteristics of Green Spaces Within Residential Areas in County-Level Cities from the Perspective of Equity
ZHANG Xuewei1, XU Min1, REN Wei2, LIU Jiang1
1.Fuzhou University;2.Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University
The rational allocation and equal supply of green space are of great significance to the improvement of urban quality, and have become an essential issue in new-type urbanization construction. Taking Lianjiang County, Fujian Province as an example, this research selects 126 residence samples and builds buffer zones every 200 m within a radius of 1,200 m to explore the distribution characteristics of green spaces within different residential areas in county-level cities. Research results show that: 1) The most significant difference in green space distribution in residential areas is found within the radius of 200 m; 2) location, year of building and residence price have direct impact on the scale of green spaces in residential areas, and the occupancy rate of green spaces in residential areas has significant correlation with residence price within the radius of 200 – 1,200 m; 3) residential areas where residences are priced more than 10,000 yuan per square meter and built after 1998 have a higher level of green space service. The research reveals the inequity of green space distribution at different scales and locations and among different socioeconomic groups in county-level cities. It puts forward corresponding planning suggestions to improve the equity of green space distribution in county-level cities.
Key words:  landscape architecture  green space distribution  equity  continuous scale  county-level city  Lianjiang County, Fujian Province
ZHANG Xuewei,XU Min,REN Wei,LIU Jiang.Distribution Characteristics of Green Spaces Within Residential Areas in County-Level Cities from the Perspective of Equity[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(8):127-133.