摘要: |
气候变化已成为城市可持续发展的关键挑战。面对该问题,越来越多的学者和从业者关注了基于生态系统的适应(EbA)概念,将其作为管理区域生态系统服务、提高生态系统服务适应能力的高效并且可持续的手段予以推广。然而,目前鲜有研究关注EbA措施在气候变化适应性城市建设中在多尺度上与各利益相关者的合作规划实践。通过定性方法弥补EbA在城市多尺度气候适应计划实践这一领域应用研究的缺失,以欧洲著名的气候变化适应性城市以及欧洲绿色首都哥本哈根市为研究对象,分析了EbA如何纳入当地气候变化适应计划并在多个尺度上予以实施。回顾了EbA发展与其在欧洲的应用现状,分析了哥本哈根市气候变化适应政策以及EbA在市域、社区、单体建筑3个尺度的合作应用,并且通过分析哥本哈根市第一个气候弹性社区的案例,阐释哥本哈根市如何通过政府、企业、公民等多方利益相关者的合作规划将EbA措施应用于当地气候变化适应性城市建设。最后,总结了哥本哈根市多尺度气候变化适应合作规划中的EbA实践经验:1)项目前的深入数据准备和分析;2)EbA措施与城市空间景观设计的紧密结合;3)多个利益相关方协调,促进公众参与。加深了对EbA提升城市生态系统服务建设适应气候变化的城市的理解,并在面对气候变化挑战问题上,为包括中国城市在内的其他城市提供了启示与借鉴。 |
关键词: 气候变化适应 基于生态系统的适应 城市雨水管理 蓝绿基础设施 哥本哈根 |
DOI:10.14085/j.fjyl.2022.10.0053.14 |
分类号:TU986 |
基金项目: |
Applying Ecosystem-Based Adaptation (EbA) in Multiple Scale Cooperative Stormwater Management in Climate Change Adaptation City: Case from Copenhagen |
XU Haiyun1, LIU Li2, DING Peng3, (DNK) Maja Steen Moller3
1.Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture;2.Technical and Environmental Administration in Copenhagen Municipality;3.University of Copenhagen
Abstract: |
Climate change has become a key challenge for sustainable urban development. To approach this issue, ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA), i.e., the management of ecosystem services for climate change adaptation, has been promoted as a cost-effective and sustainable approach to improving adaptive capacity by increasing scholars and practitioners. However, little information is available on the actual inclusion of EbA measures in urban climate change adaptation plans at the multiple-scale level with cooperation from various stakeholders. Through qualitative methods, this paper addressed this gap and analyzed how EbA is included in climate change adaption plans and how EbA is implemented on multiple scales in Copenhagen, one of the well-known European green capitals for local climate change adaption practices. We reviewed the development of EbA and its implementation in Europe, investigated the Copenhagen climate change adaptation plans and policies and the cooperative application of EbA at the municipal, community, and individual building scales, and utilized the case study of Copenhagen's first climate-resilient community to demonstrate how EbA measures could be implemented to local climate change adaption cities through multi-stakeholder planning by governments, businesses, people, and other place based stakeholders. We closed this paper with a summary of experiences learned from the implementation of EbA measures in multiple-scale climate change adaptation cooperative planning in Copenhagen: 1) Pre-project data preparation and analysis in depth; 2) close Integration of EbA measures with the landscape design of urban spaces; and 3) coordinating with multiple stakeholders and promoting public participation. This study enhanced the understanding of EbA implementation for climate change adaption city building and could inspire future initiatives in other cities, including cities facing climate challenges in China. |
Key words: climate change adaption ecosystem-based adaption (EbA) urban stormwater management blue-green infrastructure Copenhagen |
引用本文: | 徐海韵,刘栗,丁鹏,(丹麦)玛雅·斯蒂恩·穆勒.基于生态系统的适应在气候变化适应性城市多尺度合作雨洪管理中的实践——以哥本哈根为例[J].风景园林,2022,29(10):53-66. |
XU Haiyun,LIU Li,DING Peng,(DNK) Maja Steen Moller.Applying Ecosystem-Based Adaptation (EbA) in Multiple Scale Cooperative Stormwater Management in Climate Change Adaptation City: Case from Copenhagen[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(10):53-66. |