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(巴西)卡米拉·戈梅斯·圣安娜1, 龙林格格2, 李梦一欣2
关键词:  边缘景观  绿色基础设施  翡翠项链  弗雷德里克·劳·奥姆斯特德  维多利亚 - 加斯蒂兹
Contribution of Blue-Green Space System in Marginal Landscape: A Case Study of the “Emerald and Sapphire Necklace” in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain
(BRA) Camila Gomes Sant’Anna1, LONG Lingege2, LI Mengyixin2
1.Federal University of Goiás (UFG) in Brazil;2.Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
The Emerald Necklace (1878–1880), a chain of parks in Boston, was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted in the 19th century. Rethinking his theory nowadays is fundamental, as it was from this theory that the landscape as infrastructure became well-known through a multifunctional system of blue-green spaces. Applying the Olmsted’s theory nowadays highlights the importance of multiscale planning and design methodology for green infrastructure (GI), which has the marginal landscape as a base. Having carried out the study to demonstrate how the landscape is understood as infrastructure can contribute to GI resilient city planning and design, based on the case study of the city declared European green capital in 2012, Vitoria-Gasteiz in Spain. The Olmsted’s theory can contribute to defining a multiscale strategy to rethink the margins of the territory.
Key words:  marginal landscape  green infrastructure (GI)  Emerald Necklace  Frederick Law Olmsted  Vitoria-Gasteiz
(BRA) Camila Gomes Sant’Anna,LONG Lingege,LI Mengyixin.Contribution of Blue-Green Space System in Marginal Landscape: A Case Study of the “Emerald and Sapphire Necklace” in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(12):27-35.