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秦雯, 章明
【目的】上海黄浦江两岸的工业遗存是社会发展的重要里程碑,对城市发展和文脉延续发挥着举足轻重的作用。【方法】将生物学概念拓展至建筑学范畴,在当代社会语境下以“寄生”“演化”和“共生”的概念阐释“旧”工业遗存与“新”建筑之间的关系,从创作理念、设计手法、建构表达 3 个层面解读民生码头水岸贯通项目。【结果】探讨了民生码头水岸贯通项目在城市更新层面对于公共空间营造和公众文化价值塑造的重要意义。通过类比 SteelStacks 艺术文化园区、首尔路 7017、杨树浦水厂栈桥和高线公园 4 个代表性的线性空间改造案例,揭示城市景观在新一轮城市更新背景下所发挥的“新陈代谢”作用。【结论】进一步说明了工业建筑与后工业景观相互结合的创新性和独特性:跨领域的融合设计不仅促进了学科内核的进步,更拓展了类型学边界。
关键词:  风景园林  景观设计评论  巨构  城市景观  线性空间  寄生与共生  新陈代谢  城市有机更新
基金项目:国家自然科学基金“城市滨水工业文化遗产廊道从生产岸线向生活岸线的转型研究——以上海黄浦江两岸为例”(编号 51778420)
From Parasitism to Symbiosis: Evolution of New Urban Landscape Attached to Industrial Megaform
Tongji University
[Objective] Landscape design in China has entered an era of diversification, which also makes the perspective of landscape architecture criticism multidimensional. Landscape architecture criticism in China has not yet been fully developed at present. Compared with architectural review, landscape architecture criticism receives slightly less academic attention. This research selects a project that won the 2021 LA Landscape Architecture Awards for case study, which aims to expand the perspective of contemporary landscape design review, to integrate the historical and theoretical knowledge about this discipline with current design practice, and redefine the disciplinary role of landscape architecture criticism at the level of urban development. The significance of landscape architecture criticism is to analyze and summarize the current experimental landscape projects, and reflect on the existing problems and limitations in the design process in time, so as to provide more knowledge and experience for future practical projects in combination with current social needs. The fundamental purpose of landscape architecture criticism is to promote the substantive development of the discipline and the innovative breakthrough of the industry. [Methods] This research selects the Shanghai Minsheng Wharf Waterfront Reconnection Project as the main research object,to discuss how to apply the thinking of interdisciplinary integration of architecture, landscape and infrastructure into design practice, and to achieve innovative breakthroughs in design methods and structural techniques. Furthermore, the research extends the concept of biology to architecture, and utilizes its ideas of “parasitism” , “evolution” and “symbiosis” to interpret the relationship between the “old” industrial heritage and “new” architecture in the context of contemporary society. Additionally, the research interprets the underlying concept, design approach and tectonic expression of the Minsheng Wharf Waterfront Reconnection Project, based on which discusses the project’s significance to the construction of public space and the shaping of cultural value in urban regeneration. [Results] This research focuses on the node design of the three-line footpath in Yangjing Canal Pedestrian Bridge and Minsheng Ferry Station of the Minsheng Wharf Waterfront Reconnection Project, and compares the four representative transformation cases of Steelstacks Art + Cultural Campus, Seoul 7017, Yangshupu Water Plant Trestle Bridge and The Hign Line, to explore the potential of linear space in high-density urban environment. By analyzing the superposed form between old and new buildings, the composite utilization of infrastructure and the creation of landscaped public space, the research reveals the effect of “ metabolism” of urban landscape on urban regeneration, furthermore it illustrates the innovation and uniqueness of the combination of industrial architecture and post-industrial landscape. In urban regeneration practice, it is common to see the changing relationship between “newness” and “oldness”, which are not mutually contradictory as every historical period has corresponding social needs and human behaviors. How to balance their relationship depends on architects’ attitudes toward history and culture. The concept of “symbiosis of oldness and newness” advocated by the architect in the Minsheng Wharf Waterfront Reconnection Project is fundamentally rooted in the old industrial heritage, which is a local practice of integrating new structures and post-industrial landscape into the urban environment. This idea is similar to the “metabolism”, which is to reintegrate the abandoned and neglected spaces into the overall urban operation by examining the relationship between industrial heritage and public space, as well as the relationship between human and natural environment. Moreover, the Minsheng Wharf Waterfront Reconnection Project takes the spatial advantage of linear space to connect the breakpoints of the waterfront, thus reintegrating the public space into the urban fabric, and accordingly achieving the regional metabolic effect. The industrial megaform undoubtedly endows the most profound cultural background to the exploration of the types of metropolitan public space, and the special large-scale structural form thereof provides the most direct parasitic basis for new structures, which is more conducive for the persistent parasitism. The three-line footpath involved in the Minsheng Wharf Waterfront Reconnection Project is attached to the old industrial facilities in the form of “parasitism”, and through design “evolution”, it achieves the “symbiosis” state between the new construction and the old structure, therefore presenting a unique urban landscape type. [Conclusion] In the case of the Minsheng Wharf Waterfront Reconnection Project, the interdisciplinary integration of architecture, landscape and infrastructure undoubtedly promotes the progress of the “landscape design review” discipline. Such pioneering or revolutionary attempts expand the boundary of typology to some extent. Finally, by establishing the connection between site history and industrial culture, the design of the project makes the spirit of place activated by new social groups, returning from the super-scale industrial megaform in the old era to the human-scale public space in the new era, which undoubtedly constructs a sense of detached calmness and balance that needs to be maintained in the fast-paced metropolitan life.
Key words:  landscape architecture  landscape design view  megaform  urban landscape  linear space  parasitism and symbiosis  metabolism  urban regeneration
QIN Wen,ZHANG Ming.From Parasitism to Symbiosis: Evolution of New Urban Landscape Attached to Industrial Megaform[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2023, 30(3):26-32.