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徐磊青, 江文津, 陈筝
关键词:  公共空间  安全感  城市街道  街景图片  感知
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目“基于公共性的公共空间布局效能与关键指标研究:以中心商业区地块为例”(编号51778422);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目“城市空间无缝定位支持的景观体验评价及设计迭代”(编号22120180084);“高密城市街区景观对心理健康影响评价及循证优化设计”(编号22120170016);住房城乡建设部科学技术计划与北京未来城市设计高精尖创新中心开放课题资助项目“基于情感计算的城市设计空间实景体验评价技术”(编号 UDC2017010521)
Study on Perceived Safety in Public Spaces: Take Perception of Stree View in Shanghai as an Example
XU Leiqing, JIANG Wenjin, CHEN Zheng
Tongji University
On the basis of literature, the paper sorts out factors influencing sense of security in streets. It also tests western street security theories, such as the Street Eye theory, with the Shanghai samples. It invites 30 students and 30 citizens to evaluate 300 Baidu street view pictures of Shanghai communities in five different development periods in terms of sense of security. The results showed that the green vision rate, management level and number of lanes leave significant impacts on sense of security, while different impact on perceived safety. It sets up security regression models for single- and double-lane and multi-lane street space, finding that the green vision rate (single- and double-lane correlation coefficient R=0.728, p<0.01; multi-lane correlation coefficient R=0.471, p<0.01), management level (single- and double-lane correlation coefficient R=0.766, p<0.01; multi-lane correlation coefficient R=0.450, p<0.01), and number of lanes(correlation coefficient R=0.502, p<0.01) have a significant positive effect on the sense of security. Interface transparency (single- and double-lane correlation coefficient R=0.222, p=0.010), independent bicycle lane (correlation coefficient R=0.309, p<0.01) and design aesthetics factors (correlation coefficient R=0.432, p<0.01) have a positive impact in the single and double lane space. Scooters and bicycles (single- and double-lane correlation coefficient R=-0.327, p<0.01; multi-lane correlation coefficient R=-0.281, p<0.01)have a negative impact on safety perception evaluation. Motor vehicles (single- and double-lane correlation coefficient R=0.251, p<0.01; multi-lane correlation coefficient R=-0.327, p<0.01) present opposite effect in single and double lanes, and multi-lane space.
Key words:  public space  perceived safety  urban street  street view  perception
XU Leiqing,JIANG Wenjin,CHEN Zheng.Study on Perceived Safety in Public Spaces: Take Perception of Stree View in Shanghai as an Example[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(7):23-29.