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毛媛媛1, 殷玲1, 刘婧1, 曾敏玲2, 廖良3
关键词:  风景园林  住区  环境  设计  CPTED  犯罪预防
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于犯罪预防的城市街道空间环境要素甄别及影响机制研究”(编号 51778384);警用地理信息技术公安部重点实验室开放课题“居住区环境设计预防犯罪研究:以常州为例”(编号 2016LPGIT02);大学生创新创业训练计划项目“苏州市古城区多层居住区影响犯罪的建成环境要素研究”(编号 201610285102X)
Review and Reflection on Studies of Crime Prevention through Environmental Design in Residential Area in China
MAO Yuanyuan1, YIN Ling1, LIU Jing1, ZENG Minling2, LIAO Liang3
1.Soochow University.;2.Beijing Normal University. Zhuhai;3.Public Security Bureau of Changzhou.
The paper carries out keyword co-occurrence analysis, keyword time-zone analysis of keyword, and keyword clustering analysis of the literature on crime prevention through environmental design in residential area over the last 30 years, and sums up the research process and discipline development trend of this field in China. Taking CPTED theory as the analytical framework, the research methods, data source types and research findings in this field are briefly reviewed, and combining the existing urban residential area planning and design code content, the enlightenment on crime environment prevention is explored. Then the sources of data, the regional nature of the research findings, the difference of crime types, and practical application of the research results in the current literature are analyzed and summarized. Finally, in view of the shortcomings and bottlenecks in the practice and theoretical research in this field, some proposals on the research and practice in this field are put forward
Key words:  landscape architecture  residential area  environments  design  CPTED  crime prevention
MAO Yuanyuan,YIN Ling,LIU Jing,ZENG Minling,LIAO Liang.Review and Reflection on Studies of Crime Prevention through Environmental Design in Residential Area in China[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(7):47-52.