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师卫华1, 郑重玖2, 申涛2, 许士翔1
关键词:  风景园林  园林绿化  数字化  动态监管  辅助决策  大数据
基金项目:国家重点研发计划(编号 2017YFB0503903)
Research on National Landscape Greening Digital Management System and Platform Construction
SHI Weihua1, ZHENG Chongjiu2, SHEN Tao2, XU Shixiang1
1.Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development;2.Kaifeng Landscape and Greening Department
In recent years, with the rise and application of the new generation of information technology, the digital construction of urban landscape greening has been widely carried out in China. In view of the contents and characteristics of the three-tier landscape greening management system at the ministerial, provincial and municipal levels, this paper studies the construction and implementation of various levels of landscape greening management system with the information technology as the carrier. Through the establishment of a national digital management platform for landscaping, it connects the construction, management and maintenance of urban landscape greening, to guide the management departments at all levels to supervise and manage, assist decision-making and serve the public with the big data, and improve scientific, dynamic and fine management of urban landscaping.
Key words:  landscape architecture  landscape greening  digitization  dynamic supervision  assist decision-making  big data
SHI Weihua,ZHENG Chongjiu,SHEN Tao,XU Shixiang.Research on National Landscape Greening Digital Management System and Platform Construction[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2019, 26(8):39-43.