摘要: |
19世纪中叶,拿破仑三世启动了奥斯曼工程。这一闻名世界的改造计划不仅将巴黎打造为世界时尚之都,还促使其形成了独具一格的杂糅混合式城市公园风格,进而影响到整个欧洲的公园发展。但是,奥斯曼工程中公园建设的负责人和总设计师—阿尔方却较少受到关注。在英、法文原始资料的基础上,分析阿尔方在引入英国自然风景园、改良植物应用、创造杂糅混合式城市公园风格等方面所作的贡献,并将这些造园活动与法国第二帝国的社会文化背景相联系,指出阿尔方公园建设成功的关键在于其杂糅混合式城市公园所透露的公民权利及帝国荣耀完美契合了法兰西第二帝国所意图展现的意识形态。 |
关键词: 风景园林 历史研究 公园 阿尔方 杂糅混合式风格 巴黎 |
DOI:10.14085/j.fjyl.2019.11.0108.05 |
分类号:TU986 |
基金项目:耶鲁大学保罗梅隆英国艺术研究中心博士后基金(编号 03-2019-POST/46);哈佛大学敦巴顿橡树园研究基金 |
Jean-Charles Adolphe Alphand and the Promenades in the 19th Century Paris |
ZHANG Yichi1, WANG Junzhe2
1.Yale University;2.Beijing City University
Abstract: |
In the middle of the 19th century, Napoleon III launched the famous renovation of Paris. This not only promoted Paris as the capital of modernity, but also developed a unique mixed urban park style that influenced the construction of parks throughout Europe. However, Jean-Charles Adolphe Alphand, the principal designer of the promenades in Paris, has not received enough attention from academia. On the basis of primary materials in English and French, this paper explores how Alphand introduced English picturesque gardens, improved plant application, and created mixed urban park style. Also, this paper explores how the designed landscapes that Alphand created represented a kind of citizen power and imperial glory for the newly founded Second French Empire, which endures to the present. |
Key words: landscape architecture historical research promenade Adolphe Alphand mixed style Paris |