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王云才, 马玥莹, 申佳可
关键词:  风景园林  景观性格  景观性格评价  国土空间规划管控
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51978479)
Application of Landscape Personality Assessment in National Territory Spatial Planning and Control
WANG Yuncai, MA Yueying, SHEN Jiake
Tongji University
Natural characteristics, landscape pattern, natural and human resources and existing development orientation have jointly determined the underlying characteristics of landscape space, known as landscape personality. The comprehensive evaluation of regional space landscape personality is formed by overlaying various resources maps. The result can be used as a basis for assessing issues related to the control of national territory spatial planning. Meanwhile, it can also be applied to guide the control of landscape styles and features, so as to make up for the neglect of landscape resource endowment and underlying characteristics in the process of compiling national territory spatial planning. This paper sorts out the existing landscape personality assessment methods, based on which the process steps are constructed on the application of landscape personality assessment in national territory spatial planning. In addition, it conducts landscape personality assessment by taking Yichun City of Heilongjiang Province as a case study. The landscape personality zoning, classification and description in Yichun are thus obtained through the assessment, guiding the styles and features control, function area division and spatial development orientation of Yichun territorial spatial planning. The landscape personality assessment is conducive to exploring and utilizing the advantages of space, which complements the existing national territory spatial planning assessment system and guides the planning process together.
Key words:  landscape architecture  landscape personality  landscape personality assessment  national territory spatial planning control
WANG Yuncai,MA Yueying,SHEN Jiake.Application of Landscape Personality Assessment in National Territory Spatial Planning and Control[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(1):35-40.