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周怀宇, 刘海龙
智慧城市中,物联网技术正逐步改变风景园林师的设计方式。针对中小尺度绿色雨水设施(green stormwater infrastructure, GSI)监测设计的技术问题,从风景园林学科视角探讨在线监测的指标、方法及系统原型。重点阐述了一种基于水量平衡的绿色雨水设施出入流计算及监测方法。针对不同GSI流域开放/封闭、下渗/不可下渗及有无稳定水体的情景,提出了3种传感设计原型,为风景园林师开展相关监测提供了初步指南。进一步介绍典型的物联网数据传输方案并指出:在线监测系统的搭建是通过较小的空间干预,来实现虚拟数据空间与实体空间的融合。
关键词:  物联网  无线传感网络  雨洪管理  在线监测  智慧城市
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51478233);清华大学研究生教育改革项目(编号201803J001)
Designing Online Monitoring Systems for Green Stormwater Infrastructure
ZHOU Huaiyu, LIU Hailong
Tsinghua University.
Internet of things (IoT) in smart cities has gradually reformed the way we design urban landscapes. This research aims to introduce online monitoring systems for small-scale green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) and provides preliminary monitoring guidelines for landscape architects. It first discusses the monitoring goals, indicators, and sensors of an intelligent GSI system. Formulations and monitoring approaches of the inflow/outflow based on water balance are also proposed. To provide explicit instructions, it demonstrates three monitoring prototypes for different scenarios of GSI: open/closed watersheds, permeable/impermeable conditions, and stable/unstable water bodies. This research further introduces an available pattern of data transmission and concludes that online monitoring systems conduct inconspicuous space interventions to achieve a superposition of the virtual domain and the physical space.
Key words:  internet of things  wireless sensor networks  stormwater management  online monitoring  smart city
ZHOU Huaiyu,LIU Hailong.Designing Online Monitoring Systems for Green Stormwater Infrastructure[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(5):88-97.