摘要: |
中国已从高速城市化向高质量发展阶段转变,然而在全球气候变暖、城市热岛、人口老龄化的多重压力下,未来城市气候问题将日益严峻。城市风廊是有效的气候规划缓解策略,然而风环境影响因素复杂、不均匀性显著,单一模型或尺度难以充分理解、科学描述其特征。以中国北方半岛城市大连核心区为例,综合运用观测、遥感、中尺度气象模拟、城市形态参数、空间分析等多种模型和尺度进行跨学科融合研究,在全面准确描述城市地理、热环境、风环境、用地布局、城市形态特征等要素的基础上定量发掘其风廊分布,据此制定了相应的规划管控和设计策略,包括风廊布局、宽度和用地调整等规划导则以及景观设计导则等成果。研究为建设生态宜居城市提供了有价值的参考。 |
关键词: 通风廊道 气象模拟 城市热岛 城市设计 规划策略 |
DOI:10.14085/j.fjyl.2020.07.0079.08 |
分类号:TU984; TU119.4 |
基金项目:国家社会科学基金(编号18BGL233) |
Multi-Model, Multi-Scale Urban Ventilation Paths Exploration and Landscape Strategy |
GUO Fei1, ZHAO Jun1, ZHANG Hongchi1, WANG Zhe2, SONG Yu3
1.Dalian University of Technology;2.Urban Development Design Co., Ltd.;3.Dalian Meteorological Service Center
Abstract: |
China is currently in a transitioning stage from rapid urbanization to higher quality development. However, due to multiple stresses of global warming, urban heat island and aging population, the urban climate problem will become increasingly severe in the future. Urban ventilation path is an effective urban climate mitigation strategy. It is hard to fully understand and scientifically describe the characteristics of wind environment precisely by a single model or scale due to its complexity and heterogeneity. Taking the core zones of Dalian, a peninsula city in North China as an example, an interdisciplinary research was conducted by applying meteorological observation, remote sensing, mesoscale climate simulation, urban form indices and geospatial analysis synthetically. A quantitative and precise excavation study of ventilation paths was made based on a comprehensive description of urban topography, thermal and wind environment, land use and urban morphologies. Accordingly, the urban planning, management and control strategies, and design guidelines were formulated for ventilation paths considering the spatial planning, width, land use types and landscape design. This research provides valuable reference for building a more ecological friendly livable city. |
Key words: ventilation path meteorological simulation urban heat island urban design planning strategy |
引用本文: | 郭飞,赵君,张弘驰,王哲,宋煜.多模型、多尺度城市风廊发掘及景观策略[J].风景园林,2020,27(7):79-86. |
GUO Fei,ZHAO Jun,ZHANG Hongchi,WANG Zhe,SONG Yu.Multi-Model, Multi-Scale Urban Ventilation Paths Exploration and Landscape Strategy[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2020, 27(7):79-86. |