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周素红1, 黄畅如1, 张琳2
关键词:  城市公园  青少年  活动路径  环境特征  恢复性感知  模型反演
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 41871148);广东省重点研发领域研发计划(编号 2020B0202010002)
Impacts of Urban Park Environment on Individual Restorative Perception and Design Implications: A Case Study of Adolescent Activity Environment Perception
ZHOU Suhong1, HUANG Changru1, ZHANG Lin2
1.Sun Yat-sen University;2.Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
Individuals need psychological recovery under external pressure, and the urban park environment plays an important role in restoring the mental state of individuals. However, there is a lack of quantitative research on the design dimension and elements of urban parks that promote psychological recovery at the micro scale. Therefore, this research focuses on young people who are more active in parks, and selects three typical urban parks in Guangzhou as study areas. It measures the environmental characteristics based on the adolescents’ activity paths in the parks, and assesses their states of restorative perception in the parks with the perceived restorativeness scale, thereby establishing multiple linear regression models of the urban park environmental characteristics and restorative perception. It further obtains the map of the adolescents’ restorative perception in the urban parks through the model, so as to identify the highly restorative nodes and obtains design inspirations by summarizing their environmental characteristics. The results show that activity factor has the greatest impact on psychological recovery, followed by the natural factor, service factor, identification factor and landscape factor. The 18 highly restorative nodes identified in the restorative perception map can be summarized into five types, namely, sport-intensive, entertainment-intensive, activity square, waterfront space, and cultural landscape. Finally, this research puts forward inspirations of the restorative design in each node, and providing a reference for the construction of different types of park nodes.
Key words:  urban park  adolescent  activity path  environmental characteristic  restorative perception  model inversion
ZHOU Suhong,HUANG Changru,ZHANG Lin.Impacts of Urban Park Environment on Individual Restorative Perception and Design Implications: A Case Study of Adolescent Activity Environment Perception[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(5):16-22.