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董慰, 王乃迪, 董禹, 刘岩
关键词:  风景园林  主观幸福感  绿地感知  日常活动地  层次回归分析
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51878204)
Relationship Between Perception of Green Space and Subjective Well-Being of Residents in Different Venues of Daily Activities: A Case Study of Xiangfang Old Industrial Area in Harbin
DONG Wei, WANG Naidi, DONG Yu, LIU Yan
Harbin Institute of Technology
Green space environment is one of the key factors affecting the subjective well-being of urban residents. However, existing researches lack refined consideration of the green space environment and subjective well-being in different geographical contexts, which may lead to a certain bias in the research results. Based on the questionnaire survey data of 574 residents in the Xiangfang old industrial area in Harbin, this research adopts the hierarchical regression method of sub-models to compare the relationship between the green space environment perceived by residents in different venues of daily activities and the different components of the subjective well-being of the residents. The results show that the green space perception has different effects on different components of the people’s subjective well-being, and the effect of green space perception varies in different venues of daily activities. Among them, a quiet residential green environment is the most important factor affecting the cognitive components of subjective well-being, while the number and area of green space are the most significant factors affecting the emotional components of subjective well-being. Residential green space environment, of which the perception has the greatest impact on people’s subjective well-being, is the most important green environment in people’s daily life. From the perspective of people’s different venues of daily activities, this research provides a theoretical basis for identifying the green space perception dimensions that help improve people’s subjective well-being.
Key words:  landscape architecture  subjective well-being  perception of green space  venue of daily activities  hierarchical regression analysis
DONG Wei,WANG Naidi,DONG Yu,LIU Yan.Relationship Between Perception of Green Space and Subjective Well-Being of Residents in Different Venues of Daily Activities: A Case Study of Xiangfang Old Industrial Area in Harbin[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(5):23-29.