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熊川, 金荷仙, 李胜
关键词:  风景园林  日本园林  枯山水  宗教园林  历史发展
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51978626);北京市财政项目 ( 编号 2019-YB-12)
The Origin and Spread of the Concept of “Zen Kare San Sui” from the Historical Perspective
XIONG Chuan, JIN Hexian, LI Sheng
Zhejiang A&F University
The Kare San Sui, which represents Japanese gardens, attracts thousands of tourists every year with its rich “Zen spirit” connotation, but the research on the main driving factors in the evolution of Kare San Sui modeling, and the background and reasons of the concept of “Zen Kare San Sui” in the later period are quite insufficient. By summarizing relevant literature and ancient books, there is no evidence that there is an inevitable connection between Kare San Sui modeling and Zen Buddhism in the evolution process from ancient times to modern times, but this connection has become increasingly close after modern times due to Japanese cultural policies and related scholars’ esteem . Exploring the evolution of Kare San Sui modeling, its written use and the interpretation reason and background of Zen connotation have important reference significance for the future research of Kare San Sui.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Japanese gardens  Kare San Sui  Zen garden  historical development
XIONG Chuan,JIN Hexian,LI Sheng.The Origin and Spread of the Concept of “Zen Kare San Sui” from the Historical Perspective[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(5):114-119.