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于东明, 刘兵
关键词:  文人园林  别墅园  图咏  理水  潇洒园  朝鲜中期
基金项目:山东省艺术科学重点课题(编号 ZD201906303)
An Idyllic Picture of Harmony Between Man and Nature: Research on Waterscape Design and Construction in Soswaewon, South Korea
YU Dongming, LIU Bing
Shandong Agricultural University
Soswaewon was the seclusion villa garden of Liang Shanfu, a scholar in the mid-Joseon Dynasty and a representative classical garden in South Korea. It was built with typical gardening techniques to adapt to the local conditions, express feelings with mountains and waters ( Shan Shui ) and blend feelings and scenes. According to 48 Pictorial Odes to Soswaewon and field surveys, this research summarizes the spatial layout of the garden, and analyzes the unique waterscape design and construction ideas from the aspects of water source and tail, shape, water dynamics, ecology, soundscape, and implications. A perfect integration of ecologic, artistic and meaningful landscape was finally created. It provides a case for reference in the waterscape construction and maintenance of gardens.
Key words:  literati garden  villa garden  pictorial ode  waterscape design  Soswaewon  Mid-Joseon Dynasty
YU Dongming,LIU Bing.An Idyllic Picture of Harmony Between Man and Nature: Research on Waterscape Design and Construction in Soswaewon, South Korea[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(6):121-126.