摘要: |
风景园林实践在很大程度上受到政府决策的影响,以英国英格兰地区为例,劳动党政府于2008年提出的《儿童计划》和《游戏策略》,在为儿童游戏场地的更新和建设提供资金支持的同时,也间接推动了儿童场地设计导则与标准的发展。然而随着2010年政府换届,儿童户外游戏场地发展方案被移出了英国国家发展计划。将着重介绍在政策变化的背景下,于英格兰北部谢菲尔德市进行的名为“与自然共生”政府资助项目的实践经验,重点探究在政策引导的背景下,通过儿童户外游戏场地自然化改造的方式对社区户外空间进行适儿化提升的过程、方式和成果。将从多元参与协同工作的机制、儿童参与社区改造的方式以及儿童游戏场地的游戏价值提升等多个方面阐释该项目,为中国“十四五”规划背景下儿童友好型城市建设中社区环境优化提升面临的机遇与挑战提供基于英国经验的应对策略;对因地制宜地建设中国儿童友好城市及社区提供基于前沿实践的参考和建议。 |
关键词: 儿童友好 政策 游戏价值 自然型游戏场地 参与式设计 |
DOI:10.14085/j.fjyl.2022.02.0084.14 |
分类号:TU986 |
基金项目:大乐透福利基金社区计划 |
“Living with Nature”: Improving Urban Green Spaces for Children’s Play |
GBR) Woolley Helen1, (GBR) Somerset-Ward Alison2, (GBR) Bradshaw Kate3, TANG Pai4
1.The University of Sheffield;2.Sheffield Government;3.Housing Office for Sheffield City;4.Tongji University
Abstract: |
Landscape architectural practice can be influenced by national policy, guidance and funding programmes. This happened in England with respect to the design of children’s outdoor playgrounds when in 2008 the Labour government of the time, as part of its newly launched Children’s Plan and Play Strategy decided to initiate a funding programme to support the refurbishment of existing and provision of some new outdoor play spaces. Associated with this funding programme was the development of a design guide, Design for Play and a second document about risk in play (Managing Risk in Play Provision). In 2010 a general election resulted in a change of government and these policies, guidance and a range of related planning guidance notes were removed and the issue of children’s outdoor play was no longer on the national political agenda. One project which continued with the different approach to play space was “Living with Nature” where playgrounds in Sheffield in the north of England were part of a strategy for improvement. The paper will discuss the background to “Living with Nature”, some of the processes of working with the communities, examples of the product or outcome of the project, specifically improved play areas, and aspects of the legacy of the project. Hopefully, the experiences could help to provide an international view about creating child-friendly cities and communities, especially in the background of China’s 14th Five-year Plan, which makes creating child-friendly cities one of the main targets of development. |
Key words: child-friendly policy play value natural playground participatory design |
引用本文: | (英)伍利·海伦,(英)索美列斯特-沃德·阿利松,(英)布拉德肖·凯特,汤湃.“与自然共生”:英国儿童游戏场地改造[J].风景园林,2022,29(2):84-97. |
GBR) Woolley Helen,(GBR) Somerset-Ward Alison,(GBR) Bradshaw Kate,TANG Pai.“Living with Nature”: Improving Urban Green Spaces for Children’s Play[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(2):84-97. |