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陈照方, 王云才
关键词:  景观空间单元  空间解构  深度学习  空间聚类  景观绩效  乡村景观  生态智慧
基金项目:国家重点研发计划(编号 2019YFD1100405)
Spatial Ecological Wisdom for Identification and Cognition of Rural Landscape Units: A Case Study of Nanjing Paifang Rural Community
CHEN Zhaofang, WANG Yuncai
Tongji University
How to cognize rural landscape space and reveal and express the local characteristics of rural landscape has long been an elementary proposition in rural spatial research, planning and design. The identification and division of spatial units is a scientific way to deconstruct and restructure rural landscape space from the perspective of ecological wisdom. By virtue of U-Net and BDCN models involved in AI deep learning technology, this research implements image identification of landscape elements and landscape unit boundaries within the scope of Nanjing Paifang rural community, in an effort to complete the division of basic spatial units therein at the scale of rural community. Additionally, by selecting the character indexes of rural landscape and using the method of spatial clustering, the research completes the transformation from basic spatial units to composite spatial units by means of aggregation and reorganization. The research cognizes the spatial ecological wisdom of the Paifang rural community by measuring the landscape performance of composite spatial units therein, which can be used as a practical guide for the construction of rural landscape.
Key words:  landscape space units  spatial deconstruction  deep learning  spatial clustering  landscape performance  rural landscape  ecological wisdom
CHEN Zhaofang,WANG Yuncai.Spatial Ecological Wisdom for Identification and Cognition of Rural Landscape Units: A Case Study of Nanjing Paifang Rural Community[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(7):30-36.