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基于 L-system 算法的植物信息模型构建和三维绿量分析
张炜, 郝佳雪
【目的】当前广泛使用的三角面网格模型并不能全面表达植物模型特征,探索行业内植物信息模型构建与三维绿量计算新方法具有重要意义。【方法】在梳理L-system植物生成算法发展背景和研究进展的基础上,基于华中农业大学襄阳现代农业研究院本科宿舍区的规划情景,使用L-system算法,基于24种植物的分枝结构和形态特征,生成参数化的L-system植被模型。【结果】构建出研究区域建成初期绿地规划模型与植物成熟期绿地规划模型,并提出了4项三维绿量的评估指标定义和计算方法,对场地建成初期和植物成熟期的绿量特征进行了对比分析。结果表明,场地建成初期三维绿量为13 497.08 m3,单位面积三维绿量为12.25 m3/m2;植物成熟期三维绿量可达215 097.42 m3,单位面积三维绿量达到195.00 m3/m2。【结论】在规划设计领域,基于L-system算法的植物模型建模,可实现模型构建的参数化和便捷化,并适用于不同的细节层级,在规划设计算法模型标准制定、植物数字孪生模型构建和生态效能评估方面具备着广泛的应用前景。
关键词:  风景园林  植物信息模型  三维绿量  参数化建模  体素模型  L-system
基金项目:国家重点研发计划“乡村生态景观资源特征指标体系研究”(编号 2019YFD1100401);国家自然科学基金“城市绿色雨水基础设施生态系统服务效能监测和评价研究”(编号 51808245)
Construction of Plant Information Model and Analysis of 3D Green Quantity Based on L-system Algorithm
ZHANG Wei, HAO Jiaxue
Huazhong Agricultural University
[Objective] With the development of city information modeling, digital twin, smart city and other relevant technologies, traditional 2D-based planning progress are now being transformed into “panoramic” territorial spatial planning supported by 3D technology. Under the digitalization trend of landscape planning, design and management practice, digital information model has become a necessity for the characterization of 3D green space. Unlike the modeling of buildings or urban furniture, plant modeling can be hardly achieved by traditional modeling methods due to the complex branching structure and enormous details of plants and such limitations as low fidelity and low efficiency of the widely used polygon mesh model in plant simulation. As a generative algorithm, the L-system algorithm can be used to rapidly construct different vegetation models based on the branching characteristics of plants and the selfsimilarity of plant morphology. Based on the L-system algorithm, this research proposes a method to quickly construct detailed 3D plant models for visualization and quantitative analysis. Taking the Modern Agricultural Research Institute of Huazhong Agricultural University in Xiangyang, Hubei Province as the case study site (hereinafter referred to as “the Site”), the research, through testing the rules and attributes of the L-system algorithm, constructs parametric vegetation models based on the branching structures and morphological characteristics of 24 species of plants. [Methods] To visualize and simulate plants in the Site, the research adopts Houdini as the L-system modeling platform to generate a parametric branching model for these plants. The research derives such information as site terrain, building entities and plant geometry parameters from relevant site planting documents, and selects 4 basic plant branching structures and 12 kinds of parametric leaf models for different tree species in combination with their respective structures. After that, the research, based on the aforesaid site planting documents, sets 24 different L-system algorithm plant models to fill the planting area of the terrain model. By adjusting the iteration parameters of the Lsystem algorithm, the research simulates different growth stages of plants in the Site respectively at the initial operation and plant maturity stages thereof, with the parameters of relevant vegetation models at each stage being selected from the plant specifications in the plant construction maps and the i-tree plant database respectively. The voxel model is a geometric model designed to represent the spatial volume of a plant by voxels, which is well suitable for quantitative analysis. Then the research adopts parametric tools in Houdini to transform each vegetation model generated by the L-system algorithm into a point cloud, and transform the point cloud into a voxel vegetation model with the size of each voxel unit set to 0.2 m × 0.2 m × 0.2 m. The 3D green quantity is estimated by the method of volumetric accumulation of the voxel units. [Results] To describe and evaluate the 3D green space, the research proposes the following four different 3D green quantity evaluation indicators based on traditional 2D green space evaluation indicators: total 3D green quantity, 3D green space ratio, 3D green quantity per unit area and 3D green quantity per capita. Then the research respectively calculates the 2D and 3D indicators of the Site at the two stages for comparative analysis. The results show that at the initial operation stage, the total 3D green quantity of the Site is 13,497.08 m3 , and 3D green quantity per unit area is 12.25 m3 /m2 . At the plant maturity stage, the total 3D green quantity can reach 215,097.42 m3 , and the 3D green quantity per unit area can reach 195.00 m3 /m2 . [Conclusion] The vegetation models generated by the L-system algorithm are very effective and adaptable in the visualization of branching structure. The Lsystem algorithm can also be used to construct models for plants with different growth periods in combination with the plant growth curve. Compared with traditional models, the plant models generated by the L-system algorithm have a lower demand for local storage. L-system plant models can, through parameter adjustment, be set to different detail levels to suit the modeling needs of different scenarios. In the planning and design practice, the vegetation models based on the L-system algorithm can be used to solve such problems as inconsistency in plant modeling, complexity and confusion of model data, and lack of a universal method for expressing detail levels, and can also be used as a plant database for interpreting and constructing city information models, simulating spatial-ecological interactions, and evaluating urban ecosystem services, so as to support the workflow of digital planning and design. However, there are some limitations in the current L-system algorithm. For example, the model based on the L-system algorithm takes no account of real-world climate conditions, growth competition between plants, and other environmental influencing factors. Future research may integrate the abovementioned factors into the L-system algorithm to construct better tree growth simulation models.
Key words:  landscape architecture  vegetation information model  3D green quantity  parametric modeling  voxel model  L-system
引用本文:张炜,郝佳雪.基于 L-system 算法的植物信息模型构建和三维绿量分析[J].风景园林,2023,30(3):96-104.
ZHANG Wei,HAO Jiaxue.Construction of Plant Information Model and Analysis of 3D Green Quantity Based on L-system Algorithm[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2023, 30(3):96-104.