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李大同, 王耀武, 张婧远
【目的】随着空间品质研究领域的不断发展和新技术与新数据的引入,公园品质的概念产生了相应的拓展。为厘清和重构公园品质概念内涵,从而进一步推动相关研究在实证层面的发展,需要构建系统性强、覆盖面广的公园品质概念框架。【方法】在Web of Science和中国知网中检索并筛选出与公园品质相关的中英文文献,并以此为基础进行文献述评和概念框架构建。【结果】基于现象学的体验概念与环境心理学中人与环境的交互过程理论,将公园体验过程拆解为感觉、知觉和认知3个阶段。依据体验过程各阶段的特点对既往相关研究进行了系统性的梳理,提炼出基于体验过程的公园品质概念框架。【结论】上述框架的建构有助于解决因公园品质概念不明确而导致的测量方法和数据使用混乱的问题,同时兼顾系统性和准确性,以便在不同体验阶段评估公园品质。并且该框架有助于从环境特征要素的完善、环境特征要素组织的优化、环境的可供性的提升、历史文化传承等方面出发,精确制定公园的微观更新策略。
关键词:  风景园林  公园品质  体验过程  概念框架  精细化测度  微更新策略
基金项目:国家自然科学基金“基于社会感知计算的城市公园感知可达性测度及使用行为影响研究”(编号 52108048);深圳市优秀科技创新人才培养项目“环境因子非线性联接计算对深圳市内涝预测建模的影响效应探索”(编号 RCBS20210609104539077);深圳市引进海外高层次人才科研启动经费项目“供需格局视角下的高密度城市生态系统社会文化服务功能评估研究”(编号 FB11409008)
Research on Building and Application Path of Conceptual Framework of Park Quality Based on Experience Process
LI Datong, WANG Yaowu, ZHANG Jingyuan
Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen
[Objective] With the continuous development of the research field of spatial quality and the introduction of new technology and new data, the connotation of park quality has been expanded accordingly. However, there is still a lack of systematic and extensive conceptual framework of park quality, which to some extent makes it more difficult to understand the concept of park quality, and thus limits the development of relevant research in both theoretical and empirical aspects. Moreover, the concept connotation of park quality shows increasingly complex characteristics, which also indicates that the multi-dimensional improvement of quality and the exploration of the law of interaction between human and environment will become the key research direction of parks in the future. Therefore, it is urgent to clarify and reconstruct the concept connotation of park quality from the above two aspects. [Methods] Experience is the inevitable path of park quality evaluation. A detailed analysis of the concept connotation of park quality from the perspective of experience process will help understand the specific process of subject-object interaction and the influence thereof on the evaluation of park quality. Based on the experience concept in phenomenology and the theory of interaction process between human and environment in environmental psychology, this research breaks down the process of park quality evaluation into three stages: sensation, perception and cognition. Moreover, the research retrieves relevant literature in Web of Science and CNKI through such English keywords as “ park quality” , “urban green space quality”, “aesthetic quality”, “landscape visual quality”, “the quality of green open space”, “landscape preference”, “performed dimension”, as well as corresponding Chinese keywords, with 48 most representative Chinese and English literature being finally selected, Based on this, the research conducts a literature review to extract the conceptual framework of park quality based on experience process. [Results] From the four dimensions of environmental characteristic elements, reorganization of environmental characteristic elements, environmental affordance and subjectively perceived sense of place, this research clusters subjective and objective indicators in different stages of experience on one hand, and reflects the comprehensive process of subjective and objective action on the other hand, which is a more refined classification method. This classification method can reflect people’s sense of participation and initiative in building park quality. Specifically, in the sensation stage, the connotations of park quality mainly fall into the category of environmental characteristic elements such as spatial green quantity and plant category; in the perception stage, the connotations of park quality mainly fall into the category of reorganization of environmental characteristics such as naturalness, complexity and environmental coherence; in the cognition stage, the connotations of park quality mainly fall into the category of sense of place such as security, mystery and legibility. [Conclusion] In addition, in combination with the practical needs of park transformation in urban micro-renewal under the humanistic planning trend, this research proposes and explains in detail the potential application path of the conceptual framework of park quality: fine measurement of park quality and formulation of micro-renewal strategy for park environment. Firstly, in terms of the fine measurement of park quality, this research summarizes corresponding connotations and common data forms of park quality in the three stages of sensation, perception and cognition, and the basic methods for data usage in each stage. The refinement and application of the aforesaid framework can help resolve the problem of confusion in measurement methods and data usage methods caused by the unclear concept of park quality, while taking into account both the systematicity and accuracy of evaluation, so as to facilitate the evaluation of park quality at different experience stages. Secondly, based on the specific situation, this research elaborates on the micro-renewal strategy for parks from the following several aspects: improvement of environmental characteristic elements, optimization of the organization of environmental characteristic elements, affordance of environment, and inheritance of historical culture and market vitality. Finally, the research points out that there is still potential for further development and improvement of park quality connotation in experience stages of the conceptual framework. This research sorts out several common conceptual frameworks of park quality with corresponding measurement methods, and finally builds a conceptual framework based on experience process. However, this conceptual framework is still not perfect enough, and entails further expansion, improvement and enrichment with the continuous emergence of new technologies and new data.
Key words:  landscape architecture  park quality  experience process  conceptual framework  precise measurement  micro renewal strategy
LI Datong,WANG Yaowu,ZHANG Jingyuan.Research on Building and Application Path of Conceptual Framework of Park Quality Based on Experience Process[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2023, 30(3):105-112.