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付甜甜, 郝培尧
关键词:  生态系统服务  传粉服务价值评估  传粉昆虫保护政策  乡村景观多样性  传粉者网络
基金项目:国家重点研发计划课题 “城市生态空间控制和布局优化技术”(编号 2022YFC3800203)
Research on Conservation Measures of Insect Pollination Service Function in Rural Biodiversity
FU Tiantian, HAO Peiyao
Beijing Forestry University
[Purpose] Rural biodiversity is the focus of global biodiversity conservation, mainly including agricultural biodiversity and agricultural landscape biodiversity. Rural biodiversity involves a series of typical and specific issues such as crop habitat, non-agricultural semi-natural habitat and interaction between agricultural and non-agricultural ecosystems and human activities. Land cover change, land management and pesticide use caused by human activities have led to a sharp decline in both the species and number of pollinators worldwide, threatening agricultural development and overall ecological balance. In this context, several countries have promulgated a series of insect pollinator conservation strategies, and the conservation of pollinators in rural biodiversity has been included in the global agenda. However, there is still a lack of theoretical support for rural landscape biodiversity in China that fits the goal of diversified rural development, and the conservation and development of insect pollinator services in rural biodiversity conservation are facing new opportunities and challenges. The insect pollination service function is crucial to rural biodiversity and is the basis of ecological revitalization in China’s countryside. At present, the rapid decline of the insect pollination service function has posed a threat to rural biodiversity. In view of this, it is urgent to conduct in-depth research on the conservation measures of the function, further improve the policy and spatial planning system for the conservation of rural pollinator diversity in China, and provide theoretical support for rural landscape biodiversity that fits the goal of diversified rural development. [Methods] Based on the biodiversity conservation in rural landscape, this research reviews the conservation of the insect pollinator function in rural biodiversity through literature analysis, and systematically sorts out international researches on the conservation of the insect pollination function. Based on the progress of scientific research and related systemic conservation policies, the research discusses the policy strategies and management approaches with respect to the improvement of pollination services in rural landscape, with a focus on the system of measures to protect the aforesaid insect pollination services. [Results] Research results show that insect pollinator conservation has become the focus of attention and research hotspot in global rural biodiversity, and a series of effective insect pollinator conservation measures have been developed in many countries such as the UK, Germany, Ireland and the US. Based on the scientific research on pollinators and the characteristics of rural landscapes at different scales, a multi-level conservation strategy system involving international, national, and local conversation and a whole-process insect pollination service function conservation technology system in rural landscape have been formed. In the overall strategic framework, national strategic guidance, regional master planning, and city-scale special planning serve as the main control pathways. As the research continues to deepen, and with the support and promotion of relevant conservation policies, the enhancement of the insect pollination service function has been an important part of rural landscape planning and design. Among the conservation measures of the insect pollination service function in rural landscape, the four major concerns are the assessment of the pollination service function and the value of rural ecosystem, the optimization of pollinator-friendly rural landscape pattern, the synergistic management of crop and non-crop habitats, and the establishment of diversified systems of support measures. From thematic assessment to precise measures, a number of conservation methods have been adopted to improve the insect pollination service function in rural ecosystems. Specifically, the assessment of pollination services in rural ecosystems aims to clarify the potential impact of pollinators on rural landscape development, including the assessment of pollination service demand and value, and the assessment of habitat resources and pollinator species diversity. The conservation practice in rural landscape at the macroscopic scale mainly focuses on the optimization of rural landscape structure, while the implementation of pollinator-friendly landscape management measures at the small and medium scales focuses more on the implementation of pollinator-friendly landscape management measures, and the conservation measures at multiple spatial scales jointly regulate the landscape drivers in rural landscape systems. [Conclusion] Relevant conservation researches in China fail to fully cover such elements as individual insects, habitat units and ecosystems, and are identified with a number of problems such as short research period, insufficient long-term monitoring and data sharing platforms for multi-species rural biodiversity, and poor conversion from scientific research to policy and technical measure systems. The research explores the influence of the spatial structure of landscape ecology on pollinator functions, and proposes that the methods of synergistic urban and rural spatial planning and landscape control should be the key research content in the future. Based on the comparison measures to protect the insect pollination service function in different countries, rural biodiversity management , the research puts forward proposes the following suggestions for optimizing the conservation strategies for pollinators and the pollination service function thereof in China’s agricultural landscape planning practice: 1) Deepen the policy system of rural biodiversity conservation based on pollinators and explore the establishment of a rural pollinator service function conservation policy system with Chinese characteristics; 2) promote the pollinator-friendly planning of rural landscape diversity, and build a localized assessment system of the pollination service function of rural landscape; 3) improve the ecological infrastructure measures based on the enhancement of the pollination service function, and build rural ecological infrastructure and the technical system thereof based on the enhancement of pollination function.
Key words:  ecosystem service  rural landscape diversity  insect pollinator protection policy  evaluation of pollination service value  pollinator network
FU Tiantian,HAO Peiyao.Research on Conservation Measures of Insect Pollination Service Function in Rural Biodiversity[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2023, 30(4):18-26.