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樊柏青, 成玉宁
【目的】三生融合是乡村景观空间的基本格局,识别生态格局、优化生境网络是保护生物多样性、修复乡村生态环境的基本途径。【方法】基于土地覆被类型遥感解译,识别乡村三生空间及生境类型分布;依托MSPA方法识别生态斑块,采用InVEST模型评价斑块的生境质量,并结合三生空间类型提取生态源地;综合运用ArcGIS的栅格计算器及Linkage Mapper工具箱进行生态廊道、夹点、障碍点的识别。【结果】进一步整合出江宁区四片区-五组团-多廊道-多节点的多层级复合式生境网络格局,将其作为构建区域乡村生态本底的基础。【结论】在尊重三生空间融合的前提下,基于定量及空间定位与定性研究,初步形成乡村生境优化的路径。
关键词:  乡村生态景观  国土空间规划  生物多样性  三生空间  生境质量  生境网络
基金项目:国家重点研发计划“绿色宜居村镇技术创新”重点专项“乡村生态景观营造关键技术研究”项目“乡村生态景观数字化应用技术研究”课题(编号 2019YFD1100405)
Rural Ecological Landscape Identification and Habitat Network Optimization: A Case Study of Jiangning District, Nanjing
FAN Boqing, CHENG Yuning
Southeast University
[Objective] Located in southeast Nanjing, Jiangning District has a variety of landforms and typical northern subtropical climate and vegetation characteristics. With the transformation of land by urban construction and agricultural production, Jiangning District, as an urban fringe of Nanjing, has experienced the disturbance of its natural ecological background and the change of its ecological environment, making it urgent to address such issues as habitat fragility and biodiversity conservation. [Methods] This research explores the identification, protection and planning of rural ecological space in Jiangning District concretely and meticulously by the research approach of generating qualitative decision-making based on quantitation and positioning. Firstly, based on the remote sensing interpretation of land cover types in Jiangning District, the research analyzes the types of rural habitats and the distribution of the ecological, and living production production spaces. Secondly, the research adopts the MSPA method (focusing on landscape morphology) and the InVEST model (focusing on habitat quality) to integrate ecological and morphological factors and extract ecological sources in combination with the ecological, production and living spaces and habitat types. Thirdly, the research adopts the raster calculator of ArcGIS to obtain the comprehensive ecological resistance surface in the research area, and adopts the Linkage Mapper toolbox of ArcGIS to identify ecological corridors, pinch points and obstacle points, finally forming a multi-level ecological network consisting of ecological source sites, inter-source ecological corridors and ecological nodes, based on which the research explores a spatial optimization strategy targeting rural biodiversity conservation. [Results] The ecological spaces in Jiangning District are mainly located in areas with hilly landscape, which have a high vegetation cover and are important spaces for ecological conservation; the living spaces are mainly located in the central plains with a relatively flat topography and along the Yangtze River where village settlements are mainly scattered in the southern area; the agricultural production spaces such as arable lands and fish ponds are mainly distributed in the form of mosaic together with village settlements. These three types of spaces together form the rural ecological landscape pattern of Jiangning District. The habitat types in Jiangning District can be divided into three types: artificial habitat, semi-natural habitat and natural habitat. Specifically, the artificial habitats mainly include 532.42 km2 of construction lands, 99.03 km2 of bare lands, some grasslands, and several artificial pits and reservoirs. The natural habitats mainly include the woodlands in the hilly areas and the water and coastal wetlands of the Yangtze River, the Qinhuai River, the Lishui River and the Jurong River. In total, there are 582.78 km2 of woodlands, 40.59 km2 of grasslands and 164.01 km2 of waters in the research area. A multi-level composite habitat network pattern of four zones, five groups, multiple corridors and multiple nodes in Jiangning District is further integrated as the basis for building the ecological base of the regional countryside. The ecological source sites are divided into three categories: ecological wetlands, natural mountain forests and country parks. The Yangtze River wetlands in the northwest of the Yangtze River basin are habitats for a variety of organisms, where the wetland resources need to be fully protected, the ecological quality of the water environment improved and the synergistic protection of blue and green spaces emphasized. As to natural mountain forests, it is supposed strictly control the ecological boundaries between natural mountain forests and natural scenic areas, and maintain low-intensity intervention with a focus on ecological conservation. The artificially created country park green spaces should be developed and protected in a low-impact manner, with the use of surrounding lands being controlled to safeguard the blue-green ecological base and serve the inhabitation of a variety of organisms. The ecological corridors can be divided into natural ecological corridors and integrated ones. The natural ecological corridors are dominated by ecological spaces, the original habitat resources of which should be well maintained. The integrated corridors mainly pass by production and living space. For the integrated corridors, the ecological obstacle points should be treated as ecological restoration points, and relevant measures should be taken to preserve, improve and rebuild the ecological restoration points. The ecological pinch points should be treated as ecological protection points, and on the basis of reasonable control of development intensity, the ecological attributes of the ecological pinch points should be preserved or the habitat quality of the nodes should be improved to enhance the regional habitat connectivity. [Conclusion] The optimization of rural ecological landscape and habitat networks needs to be based on the spatial synergy of the ecological, production and living spaces, and in case of any conflicts or contradictions between the current land use and ecological key locations, the scope of basic agricultural land and the ecological red line need to be strictly protected. This research integrates and delineates habitat networks based on relevant quantitative and spatial positioning studies, with a view to improving the accuracy of habitat conservation planning. With the popularization of sensors and IoT applications, data and information can be made more real-time through collecting dynamic data in real time to reflect the conditions of the rural ecological environment, which can not only enhance the timeliness of research, but also make the protection planning of the ecological environment much more scientific.
Key words:  rural ecological landscape  territorial spacial planning  biodiversity  ecological, production and living spaces  habitat quality  habitat network
FAN Boqing,CHENG Yuning.Rural Ecological Landscape Identification and Habitat Network Optimization: A Case Study of Jiangning District, Nanjing[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2023, 30(4):27-33.