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(意)马塞洛·莫迪卡1, 黄琦1, 李梦一欣2
关键词:  后工业景观  棕地转型  城市郊区  系统性设计
From Site to Landscape: Re-interpreting Post-Industrial Transformations in Peripheral Regions Beyond Urban Regeneration
(ITA) Marcello Modica1, HUANG Qi1, LI Mengyixin2
1.Technical University of Munich;2.Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
[Significance] The transformation of post-industrial sites occurs nowadays in many urban areas worldwide, often as a driver of the extensive regeneration of deprived communities and rundown built environments. Whilst this certainly applies to well-developed central urban areas, as proven by the many established approaches and successful cases of brownfield transformation, it might not in other type of contexts, such as peripheral urban or semi-urban areas, rural areas and mountainous regions. [Progress] Here, the aim and scope of regeneration exceeds the mere urban scale to embrace a wider and more complex landscape dimension, thus requiring a conceptual and operational shift in how these post-industrial sites are understood and treated. The article addresses such a re-interpretation through the methodology and results of a design-driven research project on post-industrial landscapes in the European Alps. [Conclusions] A systemic approach to brownfield transformation in peripheral regions is finally identified as a most suitable one, capable of supporting the required site-to-landscape conceptualization.
Key words:  post-industrial landscape  brownfield transformation  peripheral regions  systemic design
(ITA) Marcello Modica,HUANG Qi,LI Mengyixin.From Site to Landscape: Re-interpreting Post-Industrial Transformations in Peripheral Regions Beyond Urban Regeneration[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2023, 30(6):35-45.