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李宾, 朱育帆
关键词:  风景园林  城市更新  后工业景观  历史再现  首钢
基金项目:中国博士后科学基金“基于城市信息模型的工业遗产景观更新数字化设计研究——以首钢为例”(编号 2022M710075);清华大学首都高端智库课题“冬季奥林匹克公园可持续景观遗产价值识别及社会服务转化研究”(编号 20228110003)
Representation of Site History in Post-Industrial Landscape: A Case Study of the Design of the North Area of Shougang Old Industrial Zone
LI Bin, ZHU Yufan
Tsinghua University
[Objective] In the context of urban renewal, the research on post-industrial landscape focuses more on the reuse of hardware such as sites and relics, and less on the activation of software such as industrial history and culture, especially the site history of post-industrial landscape and the contemporary value thereof. Strictly speaking, the history of each site has its own value, but the value positioning of the history of “young” post-industrial sites is relatively vague. Designers need to emphasizes the importance of making the once-hidden history visible in the present and try to reconstruct the contemporary value of site history by tracing the history of post-industrial sites at both the material space and the text-image levels. [Methods] This research reviews the site history of post-industrial landscape from the “monumental, antiquarian and critical” perspectives. The first characteristic is “monumental history”: The history of people and things that span thousands of years but are still vivid, bright, and great. The second characteristic is “antiquarian history”: A more rational way of recording historical changes. Currently, the representation of the site history of post-industrial landscape faces a dual challenge: The history can neither be completely eliminated nor be completely represented. So, how can we creatively explore and utilize such history? “Critical history” may serve as an effective solution. Critical history opposes the fervent, joyful and eternal worship in monumental history, as well as the detached, restrained and highly rational explanations in antiquarian history. In fact, history is not a consistent linear sequence as people imagine, but a complex network consisting of various narrative discourses. [Results] The research summarizes the historical characteristics of “monumentalization-fragmentation of the giant machine” and “archaeology-multilayering of technology and humanity” in Shougang post-industrial landscape. The “machine-based heavy industry” refers to the industry that engages in large-scale social production based on machines and machine systems. The Shougang post-industrial landscape has distinct characteristics of machine-based heavy industry. The density of industrial heritage buildings in the north area of Shougang old industrial zone reaches up to 45%, which covers numerous production units and complete production lines required for ironmaking, steelmaking, power generation, sintering and coking, logistics and machinery repair. The high furnaces, coke ovens, and quenching towers preserved on the site are the most distinctive post-industrial heritage of Shougang. Surrounding them are the scattered coal and sintering workshops, power and substation facilities, dust removal and condensation towers, slag and settling ponds, as well as crisscrossing rails and pipe racks for material transportation. Constructed following the principle of efficient production, the aforesaid steel industry buildings and facilities jointly constitute the complex and sophisticated machine system of Shougang. The industrial landscape of Shougang has a unique technical and cultural history. Taking the nearby Qunming Lake with the most historical relics as an example, the historical development of the lake can be summarized as a transformation from industrialization to post-industrialization, from technology to humanity, and from production to life after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Currently, the post-industrial landscape presents a multi-layered historical feature that can be summarized using four keywords: industrialization, garden factory, Shougang Grand Park, and post-industrialization. Based on the perspective of critical history, the research proposes the following three ways for representing site history: “spatial narrative”, “fragmental palimpsest”, and “contextual intertextuality”. [Conclusion] In the process of transforming the background color of Shougang from “brown” to “green”, historical and design forces are simultaneously exerted to create a post-industrial site with a sense of history, while meeting the functional requirements of urban renewal. The history of the Shougang site is relatively “young”, and the value and significance thereof require further exploration. However, the author believes that the exploration of the history of the Shougang site should not be a simple monumental exhibition or archaeological excavation, but requires an inventive analysis to interpret the historical significance of the site. The hidden history of the site can only be truly realized and exhibited in its value and significance through new designs that make it visible, readable, and thought-provoking. As mentioned earlier, Hunter’s focus on the importance of site history is to “add cultural depth to the present through imaginative and creative historical revival”. History can never be precisely defined and interpreted, as it is al瑷獡⁹楳渠瑩潮†瑡栠敧⁲摡楤獵瑡慬湬捹攠⁦慯湲摭⁩慮汧氠潰睲瑣桥敳浳†瑡潮⁤戠牢楥散景汭祥⁳攠獩据慣灲敥⁡瑳桩敮楧牬⁹挠畲物牣敨渠瑯⁶敥湲瘠楴物潭湥洮攠湆瑲⹯䤠湴瑨敥爠瑰敥硲瑳異慥汣楴瑩祶⁥爠敯晦攠牣獵瑴潵⁲瑡桬攠⁩桮楨獥瑲潩牴楡据慣汥‬爠敬晡敮牤敳湣捡楰湥朠⁡潲牣⁨獩畴扥獣瑴楳琠畮瑥楥潤渠⁴潯映⁣瑯桮整⁩桮極獯瑵潳牬祹†潡普⁤愠⁣獲楩瑴敩⁣扡祬瑹栠慲瑥⁦潬晥⁣慴渠潯瑮栠整牨⁥爠数污慳瑴攬搠⁣獲楥瑡整⹩⁶呥桬楹猠⁡牮敡晬敹牺敥渠捡楮湤朠⁲楥獣湮潳瑴⁲扵慣獴攠汴敨獥猠⁤扥畳瑩⁧扮愠獯敢摪⁥潣湴†楯湦瘠整湨瑥椠癰敲⁥慳湥慮汴礬猠楡獮Ɽ†睡桴楴捥桭⁰捴愠湴瀠物潮癴楥摧敲⁡慴⁥渠敨睩⁳慴灯灲物潣慡捬栠⁲晥潳牥⁡桲潣浨漠杷敩湴楨稠敤摥⁳楩湧摮甠獰瑲牡楣慴汩⁣桥攮爠楔瑨慥朠敨⁩慳湴摯⁲汹愠湯摦猠捡愠灳敩⁴牥攠湭敡睹愠汢⁥挠慣獯敮獳⹴⁡䅮灴灬特漠灲牥楩慮瑴敥汲祰⁲牥整晥敤爬攠湡据楤渠杧瑯桤攠⁷桯楲獫瑳漠牣祲⁥潡晴⁥慤†獢楡瑳敥⁤洠慯祮†浴慨歩敳†楳瑨灵潬獤猠楣扲汥敡⁴瑥漠⁡爠数灯潳獴椭瑩楮潤湵⁳瑴桲敩⁡桬椠獰瑬潡牣楥挠慷汩⁴牨漠污攠⁳潥普⁳瑥栠敯⁦猠楨瑩敳⹴ory while meeting the functional needs of urban renewal. Narration is an effective method for on-site historical representation through text, images, and spatial narration. Designers of a site should construct corresponding spatial narrative based on specific historical scenarios to depict the history of the people, events, and relilcs once existing on the site, and have the same integrated into a pre-designed path, while guiding visitors through the site’s history with the help of a guidebook. Designers should also use implicit narratives in buildings or create a certain atmosphere to imply an important historical moment. The purpose of palimpsest is to simultaneously represent the information in different historical layers, which emphasizes the expression of relationships between layers from the macro-history view that combines the past and present, rather than only paying attention to a specific period of history while ignoring others. When faced with fragmented history, clarifying the non-linear relationship between historical layers is a basic prerequisite for representation. As a design method that can effectively integrate site, history and design, palimpsest can provide theoretical support for designers to create post-industrial sites where people can encounter history unexpectedly. Intertextuality is seen as a powerful metaphor and rhetorical technique in literature. Palimpsest focuses on the multi-layered history within a site, while paratextuality is more concerned with the history outside the site, which can direct visitors’ though
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban renewal  post-industrial landscape  representation of history  Shougang
LI Bin,ZHU Yufan.Representation of Site History in Post-Industrial Landscape: A Case Study of the Design of the North Area of Shougang Old Industrial Zone[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2023, 30(6):46-53.