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(意)丹尼艾勒·坎纳特拉1, 李佳琪2, 蔡佳秀3
【目的】在快速城市化的三角洲地区,气候变化与土地覆盖演变是高度相关的。因此,图析土地覆盖的演变过程,从而探讨人类活动对城市系统的影响,并评估城市抵抗自然灾害的能力至关重要。【方法】从空间和时间维度系统分析了珠江三角洲(简称珠三角)的土地覆盖演变模式,以揭示土地利用政策对珠三角地区的空间影响,并为应对气候变化和城市可持续发展提出建议。【结果】建立了一种利用R Studio、完全基于开放数据、通过时空矩阵在区域尺度图析土地覆盖演变过程的方法。利用开放的欧洲航天局气候变化倡议土地覆盖图和美国地质勘探局高程地图数据,分析了1992—2015年世界上城市化速度最快的地区之一珠三角的演变模式。通过在相对精细的时间颗粒度上来量化土地覆盖演变模式,揭示了珠三角不同地区对应不同发展阶段的各自变化强度与变化趋势。此外,低海拔海岸带的土地覆盖演变幅度较大,特别容易受到海平面上升、风暴增强等气候变化引发的灾害的影响。【结论】结果表明:2001—2002年,深圳和东莞土地覆盖演变幅度最大,2008年开始呈减小趋势;其他周边城市的土地覆盖年变化幅度具有更加稳定的特征。所提出的时空矩阵可以帮助决策者更好地了解三角洲地区土地覆盖的时空演变,有助于制定针对性的规划战略,以增强脆弱沿海地区的抗灾韧性。
关键词:  土地覆盖演变  开源数据  图析  三角洲地区  珠江三角洲  欧洲航天局气候变化倡议土地覆盖图  R 语言
Mapping Land Cover Change Through the Implementation of a Spatio-Temporal Matrix: The Case of the Pearl River Delta (China)
(ITA) Daniele Cannatella1, LI Jiaqi2, CAI Jiaxiu3
1.Delft University of Technology;2.Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen;3.The Chinese University of Hong Kong
[Objective] In rapidly urbanizing deltas, the impacts of climate change and land cover transformation are highly interconnected. Therefore, mapping land cover change (LCC) over time is a relevant research objective to investigate both the impacts of human activities on these urban systems and to assess their degree of vulnerability to natural disasters. [Methods] This paper presents a systematic analysis of LCC patterns in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) in both space and time to shed light on spatial impacts of land-use policies on this deltaic megaregion and map out recommendations for responses to climate change mitigation and sustainable urban development. [Results] This paper presents a methodology for mapping LCC at the regional scale over time using R Studio and entirely based on open data, through the implementation of a spatiotemporal matrix. It uses ESA CCI land cover maps and USGS elevation maps to analyze patterns of change in the PRD, one of the fastest urbanizing regions in the world, over years 1992−2015. Through the quantification of LCC patterns at a fine temporal grain, the study reveals how the stages of development in PRD correspond to different trends in the intensity of change in different areas of the delta. In addition, LCC rates are higher in the low elevation coastal zone (LECZ), particularly prone to sea-level rise, stronger storms and other hazards induced by climate change. [Conclusion] The proposed matrix can help decision makers to better understand the spatial and temporal variation of LCC across deltaic regions, that can aid in the formulation of targeted planning strategies to increase resilience in vulnerable coastal areas.
Key words:  land cover change  open-source data  mapping  deltaic regions  Pearl River Delta  ESA CCI land cover maps  R
(ITA) Daniele Cannatella,LI Jiaqi,CAI Jiaxiu.Mapping Land Cover Change Through the Implementation of a Spatio-Temporal Matrix: The Case of the Pearl River Delta (China)[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2023, 30(11):70-86.