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王梦桥, 王忠君
基于生态完整性理论认识到生态系统的复杂性,强调大尺度自然景观保护既要保护生态系统结构和功能的完整,也要维持生态系统生物成分和生态过程的完整。黄石到育空(Yellowstone to Yukon, Y2Y)是地球现存面积最大的山地生态系统,其范围内现有11个国家公园,拥有北美地区面积最大的国家公园群。在黄石到育空保护倡议(Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative, Y2YCI)组织的支持和协助下,Y2Y通过建立多元保护尺度体系和生态廊道、注重标志物种保护和生态系统可持续性,影响并加强了区域的生态完整性。在这个过程中,国家公园群扮演了区域生态完整性保护的“领袖”, 促进了Y2Y大尺度自然景观的有效保护。Y2Y生态完整性保护和管理工作为具有重要保护价值的大尺度自然景观保护提供了一个有效管理示例。
关键词:  生态完整性  黄石到育空  大尺度自然景观  国家公园  国家公园群  保护  管理
基金项目:国家重点研发计划(编号 2019YFD11004032)
Ecological Integrity Conservation and Management of Group of National Parks of Yellowstone to Yukon in North America
WANG Mengqiao, WANG Zhongjun
Beijing Forestry University
The ecological integrity theory recognizes the complexity of the ecosystem and emphasizes that in addition to protecting the structural and functional integrity of the ecosystem, large-scale natural landscape conservation should maintain the integrity of ecosystem biological components and ecological processes. Yellowstone to Yukon (Y2Y) is the largest surviving mountain ecosystem on earth, containing 11 national parks in its scope, which constitutes the largest group of national parks in North America. With the support and assistance of the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative (Y2YCI) organization, Y2Y has influenced and strengthened the regional ecological integrity by establishing multi-scale protected areas and ecological corridors and stressing the protection of iconic species and ecosystem sustainability. In this process, the national park group has played the “leader” role in the regional ecological integrity protection, and promoted effective conservation of large-scale natural landscape in Y2Y. The protection and management of ecological integrity in Y2Y have provided a valuable reference for large-scale natural landscape with significant conservation value.
Key words:  ecological integrity  Yellowstone to Yukon  large-scale natural landscape  national park  group of national parks  conservation  management
WANG Mengqiao,WANG Zhongjun.Ecological Integrity Conservation and Management of Group of National Parks of Yellowstone to Yukon in North America[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2021, 28(8):113-118.