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齐羚1, 董文辉1, 龙欣雨1, 刘欣婷2
关键词:  风景园林  城市公园  风环境  人群活力  质量评价体系  延庆区
基金项目:国际合作项目“‘双碳’目标下的‘一带一路’沿线中外可持续建筑材料与城市再生研究”(编号 9Q012001202201);教育部人文社科项目“大运河国家文化公园交互性景观活态文化资源挖掘与设计策略研究”(编号 3C035001202301)
Evaluation on Wind Environment of Parks in Yanqing District, Beijing Based on Crowd Vitality
QI Ling1, DONG Wenhui1, LONG Xinyu1, LIU Xinting2
1.Beijing University of Technology;2.Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng Urban Planning & Design Institute
[Objective] Existing researches on urban wind environment predominantly evaluate wind environment from the perspective of single conditions without considering the influence of effective crowd activity space, and typically utilize simplified blocks to represent the physical park environment, which affects the accuracy of the results of simulation analysis on wind environment to a certain extent. In response to this, this research aims to evaluate the wind environment of four typical urban parks located in Yanqing District, Beijing. These parks account for 70% of the total wind resources in Beijing. By considering the perspective of park crowd recreation vitality and utilizing advanced technologies such as scene modeling, WiFi probe, and AI recognition, this research determines the activity range of park visitors, and takes it as the research area for wind environment evaluation. [Methods] The research adopts a quantitative evaluation approach to evaluate the wind environment quality of the selected urban parks. Factors such as wind speed, wind pressure and vortex distribution are considered in different seasons to enable a comprehensive evaluation. By combining various data sources and technologies, the research establishes a comprehensive evaluation system to evaluate the wind environment quality of each park. This evaluation system characterizes the current state of wind environment of the parks and evaluates the difficulty of transforming such wind environment through adaptation measures. [Results] The research findings indicate that Baiquan Park exhibits the lowest wind environment quality among the four parks under research. This suggests that there is a significant space for improvement in enhancing the wind conditions within Baiquan Park to create a more comfortable and pleasant environment for visitors. Conversely, Jixian Urban Forest Park demonstrates the least difficulty in adapting its wind environment, which implies that this park has favorable conditions for implementing wind-related transformations. The research addresses a research gap by focusing on the comprehensive evaluation of wind environment quality in urban parks, surpassing the limitations of previous researches that primarily consider single conditions in evaluation. By considering the effect of effective crowd activity spaces, the research provides valuable insights into the interaction between park visitors and the wind environment. Understanding how wind conditions influence visitor experience and recreational activities can help design and manage parks to cater to the needs and preferences of park-goers. The quantitative evaluation of wind speed, wind pressure and vortex distribution in different seasons can achieve a comprehensive evaluation of the wind environment quality of parks. This multifaceted evaluation approach provides a more accurate representation of wind conditions in parks throughout the year. By considering seasonal variations, park managers can make informed decisions regarding the implementation of wind-related adaptation measures to ensure optimal comfort for park visitors. Among the four parks selected, Baiquan Park has the lowest wind environment quality, which highlights the need for targeted interventions within this park. Strategies to improve wind conditions may include the strategic placement of windbreakers, modification of park layouts, or the introduction of vegetation to mitigate wind speed and pressure. Conversely, Jixian Urban Forest Park, with its favorable adaptability to wind environment transformations, serves as a valuable case study for best practice in park design and management to maximize visitor comfort and safety. [Conclusion] The results of this research have practical implications for the construction and management of urban parks in Yanqing District, Beijing. By identifying the current wind environment quality of parks, decision-makers and park managers can gain valuable insights into areas that require improvement to enhance visitor comfort and safety. The comprehensive evaluation system developed in this research provides a framework for ongoing monitoring and evaluation of wind environment quality in urban parks. Moreover, the research introduces innovative methods such as scene modeling technology, WiFi probe and AI recognition, which can be utilized in future evaluation of wind environment quality in urban parks across North China. This study emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive evaluation of wind environment quality in urban parks, taking into account the impact of effective crowd activity spaces. Using the innovative method mentioned earlier, the researchers pinpointed the range of park visitors whose activities were used for wind environment assessment. The findings are valuable for the construction and management of urban parks in Yanqing District, Beijing, and can provide innovative methods for evaluating the wind environment quality of urban parks across North China. Ongoing monitoring and evaluation of wind conditions in urban parks can inform future improvements, ensuring that parks offer optimal recreational experience for visitors. The comprehensive evaluation system developed in this research may serve as a valuable tool for decision-makers and park managers, enabling them to implement targeted measures to improve wind environment quality and create enjoyable and sustainable urban park spaces. By prioritizing the comfort and safety of park-goers, urban parks can contribute to the overall well-being and satisfaction of local communities.
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban park  wind environment  crowd vitality  quality evaluation system  Yanqing District
QI Ling,DONG Wenhui,LONG Xinyu,LIU Xinting.Evaluation on Wind Environment of Parks in Yanqing District, Beijing Based on Crowd Vitality[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2023, 30(8):89-96.